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<br />Proposed Property Descriptions- Knabe Property- Centerville, Mn. <br /> <br />That part of the folloWing described property: <br />All that part of Government Lot 4, Section 15, T. 31, R. 22, which is also part of <br />Lot 9, Auditors Subd. No. 46 Revised, Anoka County, Minnesota, which lies south of the <br />south line of the established road known as the Anoka to Centerville Road and east of a <br />line described as commencing at a point on the south line of said road; considering the <br />road to be 66 feet in width; which point is distant 225 feet west from the intersection of <br />the south line of said road and the east line of said Government Lot 4 as measured along <br />said south line; thence proceeding in a straight line through a point that is 225 feet <br />southwest of said point on the south line of said road and 280 feet westerly of a point on <br />the east line of Government Lot 4, which point is l50 feet south of the intersection <br />formed between said east line and said south line of road; thence proceeding southerly <br />through said point to the south line of said Lot 9 and there terminating. <br /> <br />(Easterly parcel) lying easterly of a line described as commencing at the southeast comer <br />of the above described parcel; thence South 85 degrees West, assumed bearing along the <br />south line thereof 188 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence <br />North 23 degrees, 58 minutes, 12 seconds East 205.12 feet more or less to the southerly <br />line of said road and said line there terminating. ($ ul,j .... ,.... C.s. Ad'!. PI.) <br /> <br />(Westerly Parcel) except that part lying easterly of a line described as commencing at the <br />southeast comer of the above described parcel; thence South 85 degrees, West, assumed <br />bearing along the south line thereof 188 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be <br />described; thence North 23 degrees, 58 minutes, 12 seconds East 205.12 feet more or less <br />to the southerly line of said road and said line there terminating. ( S",I.Se<::T 't-o (;",S',".H. 14-) <br />