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<br />City orCenternlle <br />Ordinance #72 <br />Effective: December 31, 2002 <br /> <br />MOTION TO LIMIT DEBATE: A Committee may limit debate by placing a time limit on <br />debate, such as a limit of 3 minutes to consider a particular motion; or limiting the number of <br />people who may speak for and against a certain motion; such as a limit of three speak"'" in favor <br />and three speak"'" opposed. <br /> <br />MOTION TO AMEND: Committee Members may offer amendments to a main motion at any <br />time. In addition; it is possible to amend an amendment cunently 1D1der consideration Beyond <br />this, Committee Members can offer no further amendments. When a member has made a motion <br />to amend, the vote on the amendment must precede the vote on the original motion. After the <br />Committee has accepted or n;jected the amendment, another vote on the original motion is <br />necessary. <br /> <br />MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE: This is a motion to replace one motion with another on the <br />same sui>ject A Committee Member may move to substitute a main motion or an amendment to <br />a main motion. One form for making a substitute motion is to say, "I wish to introduce the <br />following substitute motion. . . present the substitute motion. . ." When a substitute motion is <br />before the Committee, the Committee must decide which of the two motions, the original motion <br />or the substitute motion; to consider. The Committee must vote on the question. A "yes" vote <br />favors considering the substitute motion. A "no" vote favors considering the original motion. The <br />Committee must then discuss and vote on the selected motion. <br /> <br />SECTION 11. QUORUM <br /> <br />At all Committee meetings a majority of the appointed members shall constitute a <br />quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to <br />time. <br /> <br />SECTION 12. VOTING <br /> <br />The votes of the members on any questions may be taken in any manner which signifies <br />the intention of the individual members, and the votes of the members on any action <br />taken shall be recorded in the minutes. Any member that is present but does not vote, the <br />minutes as to that member's name, shall be recorded as an abstention. <br /> <br />SECTION 13. COUNCIL LIAISON <br /> <br />The Committee may request from the Council a Liaison to attend their meetings. Council <br />may elect to appoint a Council Liaison to the Committee. The liaison will act as a <br />communicator to and from the Council/Committee. <br /> <br />SECTION 14. REMOVAL FROM COMMITIEE PARTICIPATION <br /> <br />Any member of the Committee may remove themselves from participation in the <br />Committee by a letter of resignation being submitted to the City Administrator. Any <br />member of the Committee may be removed by Council. <br /> <br />Page 6 of8 <br />