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<br />,. <br /> <br />PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT 0 <br /> <br />JBLICATION <br /> <br />FfS <br /> <br />~l, v"g <br />- :>;\, <br /> <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) ~ <br />County of Ramsey ) <br /> <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />NonCE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (EDCI MEETIN~~~~H~:~~:~t February <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regularly SChedUl~OE~ ~ocation ~ City Hall, 1880 Main <br />16,1999 has b~n rescheduled to Fede!mJary, d d 1\ 1~9p:c~,6~pp~r~ces. Please contact City hall at <br />Street. The meeting has been resch u e ua 0 . .' . <br />(651) 429-3232 if yOU have any questions or need additIonal InformatIon. <br />January 27, 1999 <br />Is! Ry-Chel Gaustad, CMC, City Clerk <br />abcdefghijklmnOpqrstuvwxyz <br />Published in the Quad Community Press February 2.1999. <br /> <br />the publisher's designated agent, being duly sworn, <br />I am the publisher, or the publisher's designated <br />)loyee of the newspaper known as The Quad <br />md that I bave full knowledge of the facts which <br /> <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constitut- <br />ing qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota <br />Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. <br />(B) The Printed CITY OF CENTER1fILLF. <br />NOTICE OF EDC MEETING RESCHEDULED <br /> <br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and <br />was printed and published once each week, for ~successive weeks; <br />it was first published on TUESDAY , of <br />FEBRUARY, 19...:t'l, and was thereafter printed and published on <br />every to and including <br />the_day of , 19_; and printed below is a <br />copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is <br />hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the <br />composition and publication of the notice: <br /> <br />abcdefghijklmnopqrsluvwx:yz <br /> <br />BY: <br /> <br />fcvr <br /> <br />p~ <br /> <br />TITLE: Publisher <br /> <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on <br /> <br />tbis~day of FEBRUARY ,19.22..... <br /> <br />~ ~ A_ ~ <br /> <br />0;;*) <br /> <br />Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. <br /> <br />My commission expires January 31. 2000. <br /> <br />------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />RATE INFORMATION <br /> <br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br />commercial users for comparable <br />space. <br /> <br />$ <br />(Line, word, or inch rate) <br /> <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for <br />the above matter. <br /> <br />$ <br />(Line, word, or inch rate) <br /> <br />(3) Rate actually charged for the <br />above matter. <br /> <br />$ 5.50/INCH <br />(Line, word, or inch rate) <br />