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<br />PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />:.~ . CITY OF CENTERVlLLE <br />. O~DINANCE 163 <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABUSHING <br />. .MUH1CIPAL WAlER USES <br />. AND RESTRICTIONS. . <br />. The City Council. of the City of Center.'iUe, <br />,Minnesota, does ordain: <br />Article 1 -. PURPOSE. Initiating and Imple. <br />'mentjng a lawn and garden water use program <br />~o contr~1 w~ter use during periods of peak use <br />and thereby conserve water In the matter of the <br />:comp!ehens~ve-water supply plan "proJect of , <br />:1997. ' <br />. Article 2- PERMANENT RESTRICTIONS. <br />,-awn and garden watering Is prohibited <br />between the hOurs of 10:00 am. and 6:00 p.m. <br />~\lel'f year from May 1, through September 1. <br />for arr addresses on all days. ThIs ordinance <br />shall apply only to those residents and water <br />~ources connected to the CenterviUe water sys- <br />tem, Use of private wells is exempt from this <br />'ordinance. <br />; - Residents whose address ends in an even <br />~umber may water their lawns and gardens <br />:OOlore 10:00 a.m. only on even number days,. : <br />.and residents whose address ends tn an odd I <br />;number may water their lawns and gardens I <br />.beton:! 10:00 a.m. only on odd number days. All I <br />:residents may water their lawns and gardens on <br />;any day after 6:00 p.m. <br />: Article 3 - PENALTY. No person shall use <br />;or permit water to be used in violation of this <br />sprinkling ban and arlY customer who does so <br />.shall be charged $50.00 for each day of viola- <br />~ion and the charge shall be added to the cus- <br />.tomer's next water bill. Continued violation shall <br />;be cause for discontinuance of water selVice. <br />-Should a violation occur, the City may tifSt issue <br />:a warning. . <br />, Article 4 - EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordi- <br />:oanes shall be in full force tmd effect from and <br />;after its adoption and publication as required by <br />.Iaw. . <br />: Passed and adopted by the City Council of <br />'the City of CentelViUe, Minnesota this 24th day <br />of April, 1997. . <br />;- Thomas Wilharber. Mayor <br />': Ry-Chel Gaustad <br />:. CityCler'X <br />;: Published in the Quad Community Press <br />.M<iY13and20,1997. <br />. ~ <br /> <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) S <br />County of Ramsey ) <br /> <br />I, the publisher, or the publisher's designated agent, being duly sworn, <br />on oath state that I am the publisher, or the publisher's designated <br />agent and an employee of the newspaper known as The Quad <br />Community Press, and that I have full knowledge of the facts which <br />aTe stated below: <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constitut- <br />ing qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota <br />Statute 33IA.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. <br />(B) The Printed City of Centerville <br />Ordinance 63 <br /> <br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and <br />was printed and published once each week, for Two successive weeks; <br />it was first published on Tuesdav , of <br />Ma" , 19-2.L, and was thereafter printed and published on <br />every Tuesdav to and including TuefH1av <br />the---2..Q.dayof rn"y , 19-9.]; and printed below is a <br />copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is <br />hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the <br />composition and publication of the notice: <br /> <br />abcdefghiiklmrlopqrstuvwxyz /' ) 0 <br />BY: td:f'{11'}w/ [) ~?W~t <br /> <br />TITLE: Publisher <br /> <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on <br /> of 1>1" Y <br /> <br /> <br />SUSANNE WESTPHAL <br />NOTARY PUBLIC. MINNESOTA <br />R..;MSEY COUNTY <br />~..' Y om miSSIon ~xplres an. , 2000 <br /> <br />My commission expires J anum'v 31. 2000. <br /> <br />-------------------------------------------------~----------------- <br /> <br />RATE INFORMATION <br /> <br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br />commeTcial users for comparable <br />space. <br /> <br />$ <br />(Line, word, or inch rate) <br /> <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed by law for <br />the above matter. <br /> <br />$ <br />(Line, word, or inch rate) <br /> <br />(3) Rate actually charged for the <br />above matter. <br /> <br />$ <; 1 n Tn('h IWQek <br />(Line, word, 0': inch rate) <br />