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<br /> <br />6S4 <br /> <br />, on the records for such purpose. <br />ch meeting, the general nature of <br />:he total amount of the proposed I <br />e nie with the clerk, and that writ. 'l);, <br />~r \vill be considered. The notice ,:'~ii!.; " <br />mount of any assessment adoptedJi,' <br />" signed by the affected property'~'" <br />5sessment hearing or presented to':~~!- <br />so state that an o:^,ner m.ay apPeal"'~' <br />429.081 by servmg notice ofthe"~,, <br />within 30 days after the adoPtiop:U,i" <br />'1ct court within ten days after set,;". <br />'orm property owners of the provi: ' <br />mce of any deferment procedure <br />addition, the notice mailed to . <br />:ormation: _, <br />. ..\ <br />that particular lot, piece, or pa <br />:.Ie <br />essment may be taken at the ~F: <br /> <br />;, <br />e ent=-~ assessment and the pe <br />:l <br />'i< <br />Ie;l! Jl"S been authorized by 0' . <br /> <br />c made without the assessmen~ '. <br /> <br />, <br />) ~ssment is not prepaid withi~' <br /> <br />or at any adjournment theft\O <br />, proposed assessment, whetb, <br />l the proposed assessment as, t,o <br />::ecial assessment against th~ <br />rnment of the hearing shall J!c: <br />show the time and place wh~ <br /> <br />e <J.illount of a proposed as " <br />19 upon further notice to ~he i <br />":"led hearing the council~, <br />00\ on behalfoftheobj~ <br />./ testimony from approp " <br />:J. ~';sessment. The councilO! <br />,,:journed hearing and WfI <br />mount of the assessment, <br />(, the adopted assessme1'\ <br />)Lssment adopted un~er - 0 <br />,""rty owner is filed Wtth tho <br />:;d to the presiding ofticer8~ <br />cd at the assessment h 011 <br />:d, unl-ss the failure to .., <br /> <br />6S5 <br /> <br />LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 429.06t <br /> <br />The assessment, with accruing interest, shall be a lien upon all private and public <br />property included therein, from the date ofthe resolution adopting the assessment, con. <br />current with general taxes; but the lien sball not be enforceable against public property <br />as long as it is publicly owned, and during such period the assessment shall be recover. <br />able from the owner of such property only in the manner and to the extent provided <br />in section 435.19. Unless otherwise provided in the resolution, all assessments shall be <br />payab~ in eQUal.-1!p.nual installments extendine oyer such period~ not exceedmg 1U. <br />years. as th~ resolution.dtle.rp:lme..s......D.a,)':lhlp. on tnp hR:t ),fnnn!JlY ;n hT'lll~''Y;n p.:lch <br />year, but the number of installments_need not be uniform for all!!.d,eQ <br />iila single-assessment roll if a uriiTorm criterion lOrdeiermining the number of install. <br />ments is provided by the resolution. Assessments on property located in a targeted <br />neighborhood as defined in Laws 1987, chapter 386, article 6, section 4, may be payable <br />in variable annual installments if the resolution provides for a variable payment. The <br />first installment of each assessment shall be included in the first tax rolls completed <br />after its adoption and shall be payable in the same year as the taxes contained therein; <br />except that the payment of the first installment of any assessment levied upon unim- <br />proved property may be deferred until a designated future year, or until the platting <br />of the property or the construction of improvements thereon, upon such terms and con. <br />ditions and based upon such standards and criteria as may be provided by resolution <br />of the council. If special assessments against the property have been deferred pursuant <br />" to this subdivision, the governmental unit shall file with the county recorder in the <br />county in which the property is located a certificate containing the legal description of <br />the affected property and of the amount deferred. In any event, every assessment the <br />payment of which is so deferred, when it becomes payable, shall be divided into anum. <br />berofinstallments such that the last installment thereof will be payable not more than <br />30 years after the levy of the assessment. All assessments shall bear interest at such ratj;, <br />,as the resolution determines. To the first installment of each assessment shiilfbeadded <br />":interest on the entire assessment from a date specified in the resolution levying the <br />':~sment, not earlier than the date of the resolution, until December 31 of the year <br />which the first installment is payable, and to each subsequent installment shall be <br />, ed interest for one year on all unpaid installments; or alternatively, any assessment <br />y be made payable in equal annual installments including principal and interest, <br />. in the amount annually required to pay the principal over such period with interest <br />, rate as the resolution determines, not exceeding the maximum period and rate <br />". lied above. In the latter event no prepayment shall be accepted under subdivision <br />thout payment of all installments due to and including December 31 of the year <br />;:prepayment, together with the original principal amount reduced only by the <br />ts of principal included in such installments, computed on an annual amortiza- <br />~sis. When payment of an assessment is deferred, as authorized in this subdivi~ <br />~terest thereon for the period of deferment may be made payable annually at the <br />,times as the principal installments of the assessment would have been payable if <br />'" erred; or interest for this period may be added to the principal amount of the <br />',. ent when it becomes payable; or, if so provided in the resolution levying the <br />ent, interest thereon to December 31 of the year before the first installment is <br />,may be forgiven. <br /> <br />. . 3. Transmitted to auditor, prepaymeut. After the adoption of the assessment, <br />~~all transmit a certified duplicate ofthe assessment roll with each installment, <br />,~nterest, set forth separately to the county auditor of the county to be <br />,P/, the proper tax lists of the county; but in lieu of such certification, the coun. <br />, !ts dIscretion direct the clerk to file all assessment rolls in the clerk's office <br />annually to the county auditor, on or before November 30 in each year, <br />, . o.unt of installments of and interest on assessments on each parcel of land <br />, Clpaltty which are to become due in the following year. If any installment <br />" h~s not been so certified prior to the year when it is due, the clerk shall <br />t';:'fY the. same to the county auditor for collection in the then succeeding <br />; e mUfilclpality has issued improvement warrants to finance the improve~ <br />" payout of its general funds into the fund of the improvement interest on <br />