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<br />,- <br /> <br />ORDINANCE #24 <br />AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR <br />CONFINEMENT. LICENSING AND CARE OF DOGS <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Centerville does hereby ordain: <br /> <br />SECTION I. DEFIIHTION. As used in this chapter" owner" means <br />any person keeping a dog. "At large" means off the premises of <br />the owner and not under the control of the owner. a member of his <br />immediate family. or a person designated by the owner. and in <br />the case of a dog. by a leash. cord or chain not more than 10 feet <br />in length. A dog under control solely by means of command or <br />signal shall be considered under control, only if in the presence <br />of the owner or some other person of suitable age and discretion <br />and on the owner's premises, or the premise of another who has <br />given consent to the owner. <br /> <br />SECTION II. Confinement of DOl2:s. No dog 'shall be- allowed by its <br />owner to run at large, and every dog in heat shall be confined <br />during such entire period and until such dog shall not attract <br />other dogs in account thereof. <br /> <br />SECTION III. Certain Animals Declared Nuisances. No person <br />shall keep or allow to be kept any dog, cat, or other animal which <br />shall by any noise. disturb the peace and q,uiet of any other person. <br />No person shall keep within the City limits a dog or cat,. or other <br />animals which habitually barks or cries for extended or unreasonable <br />periods of time, and any such animal which damages plantings. or <br />structures, or deposits fecal matter on private property of others. <br />after the person owning or harboring the animal has been notified of <br />such acts as herein provided is hereby declared to be a nuisance. <br />Any person aggrieved by an animaL nuisance may make a wri:tten <br />complaint to the police Department, or such other persons designated <br />by the Mayor. stating the acts- complained of'. the name and address <br />of the owner of the animal, and the name and address of the <br />person making the complaint. The Eolica Department shaLl then <br />promptly notify the person owning or keeping the animal and shall <br />order the, nuisance abated wi thin 5 days_ If such animal nuisance <br />is not abated within that time. a charge may be made against the <br />owner or keeper of the animal and any person found to have violated <br />the provisions of this section shall be guiLty of a misdemeanor. <br /> <br />SECTION IV. License Required. All dogs kept or maintained by <br />their owner wi thin the corporate limits of the City or Centerville <br />shall be licensed and registered if over six months or age. Dog <br />licenses shall be issued by the City. upon paymen~ of a fee of <br />$7.00 for each dog. whether it be male or female. spay.ed or unspayed. <br />Such license shall continue in force for the life of the animal <br />provided that the owner shows proof every two years that the dog <br />has shots within that period and provided that the address of the <br />owner remains the same. A certificate of vaccination authorized <br />by a licensed veterinarian for rabies shots must be presented at the <br />time of licensing and within every two year anniversary date there- <br />after. <br />