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<br />PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />CITY OF .CENTERVILLE <br />NOTICE OF PUBUC H~G <br />REQUEST FOR RezONE FROM PI - PUBLIC-SEMI PRIVATE TO 11 _ INDUS- <br />TRIAL AND A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO MODIFY THE ZONING <br />FROM CITY PARKS TO INDUSTRIAL. THE PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD <br />BEFORE BOTH THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL <br />NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN. lhat /he PI.nnIng 81Id ZDnIng CommissiOn .nd /he <br />City Councn of the CIty of C8nterville win constder the remne. and corresponding <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment as requested by Mr. Dennts Shlidy. Mr. Shudy eur. <br />oenlly is /he conlno'" pwcI18S8r of - property. n,. meetings are scheduled "". . . , . d . d I <br />1lJ08d8y.ApriI0,2004sndWedn....y,ApriI14,2004r.._y..0'30p.rn.orshort. .lsher, or the pubhsher s deSignate agent, bemg U y sworn, on <br />Iy thereafter. The purpose of the meeting is toast:ertain public input regarding the above . . , . <br />requsst 8nd the possibUl1yof granting the requested rezone 8nd CO"'"'POnOing that I am the pubhsher, or the pubhsher s deSignated agent and an <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment. <br />PIN #R24- ". )f the newspaper known as The Quad Community Press, and that I <br />The City Ha~lls ADA accessible. Requests for hearing assistance devices or a sign <br />languag. ".'preter must be reoelved before 4,00 p.rn.AprIl2, 2004. All persons i"'r- nowledge of the facts which are stated below; <br />ested are Invited to attend and to be heard. 'fou may contact the City Clerk's office at <br />(051) 429-3232 or by.fscsIrn'le (6S1)429-6629ff you need.dditionalinfonn_n. If you ewspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting <br />desJra, you may amBIt; or tbender@centervlllemn.comwlth <br />~~:~,':~~ concerns. This notice is also available on the City's web site: ifl as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute <br />March 12, 2004 . <br />Toro.a Bendor, City CI.", 31A,07, and other apphcable laws, and amended. <br />Published in Iho Quad Community Pro.. on March 2$, 30 and April O. 2004. , CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />\.D) 1ln:~ pnnted <br />HEARING-REQUEST TO REZONE-DENNIS SHUDY <br /> <br />lIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />I MINNESOTA) <br />Ramsey) <br /> <br />.MAR 3 t 2004 <br /> <br />which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed <br />and published once each week, for 3 successive weeks; it was fIrst <br />published on TUESDAY , the 23 day of <br />MARCH . 20~ and was thereafter printed and published on every <br />TUESDAY to and including TUESDAY . the <br />6 day of APRIL , 20~; and printed below is a copy of the <br />lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged <br />as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of <br />the notice; <br /> <br />a~~ruj~nruvwxyz <br /> <br />BY: <br /> <br />f tv1- <br /> <br />t-Oa. .e. <br /> <br />TITLE: Publisher <br /> <br /> <br />24 day of MARCH <br /> <br />.20~. <br /> <br />RATE INFORMATION <br /> <br /> <br />Public, Minn. <br /> <br />, <br />(1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br />conunercial users for <br />comparable space. <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />(Line, won! or inch rate) <br /> <br />(2) Maximum rate allowed <br />by law for the above matter. <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />(Line, won! or inch rate) <br /> <br />(3) Rate actually charged for <br />the above matter. <br /> <br />$6.65!INCH!PER WEEK <br />(Line, won! or inch rute) <br />