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<br />,-- - ... <br />Stadium tax <br /> <br />CONTIN'UED FROM PAGE 18 <br /> <br />. - <br /> <br />age voter." he said . '.. Hafner of Coon Rapids. Be said AnokaCounty officials <br />He said it was difficult to get the public subsidies. - two- <br />. people tosw1tch from. tangents tbJrds of the total cost of and Vtklngs owner. - <br />_ like the issue of whether $790 mDlion - would be a <br />wealthy pla~rs and owners record foi' football stadiums. Zygi Wtlf want Stadium. <br />might vote on his resolution In adeserve" public subSidies:- to "I have never been an advo- <br />January orV8braary. the overaUbenefits to the com- cate fOr either side, but they costs split into'thirdS. <br />A key advocate ofthestadl- munity. . are turning me," said . . .- <br />1UD plan acknOwledged that the Novak said the publieproba- Hafner.. against thestadiUD1 plijlJ'l'mn <br />citles'- votes become a bly wouldn't,iDave. SUppOrted Itl LIDo Lakes, aTu:~ the begJnni1lg. earned tileistlP- <br />growing ,and, he contends, spending tax money on proJ- . resolution supporting the pub- . port of~~er'~ <br />unfair impedhnent.. ects Ukethe Mall of America; lie referendum falled In a 3-2 .~ In her effc)rttQputthe <br />"Wherever we have' had a, the Target Center or the Xcel vote, but the counell paSsed a taxlssu,e ~ore VOt.erIL . ...-. ,.''t" <br />real discUssion about this, we Energy Center ~ an key ele- proposal to 'ask toters how '!be county board. voting <br />have won," said Steve NoVak, ments of the metro-areaecon~ they felt about the tax issue In on its package ofleglSlatlve pro- <br />the county's stadfum project my today. Bnthe said the bene- an upcom1ng cttysurvey. . posals to submit In theupcnmfng <br />manager. fits are en()I'JD.OUSj elR~gthe _ "We . arestruggUng about session. One proposal was to ask <br />The citles apPluvlng the average Anoka County taxpay-the right way to handle this," for an exemption to the referen- <br />pro-referenc1um ~er \VOllldpaf.mout.$4Iilllo.-e said Councll Member Jeff Rein- dmn requirement,\Vbic.h the two <br />. .~ "'par't. Of an wchestratedannuallymtlgaln an,ate-rage:-ett..'\VJl()sponsoredtbesurvey oommjRoril)~pp~~lt"J . <br />'ei;forl;a:r~theoount}t'XJley.<.,~$l,7p.inl~~;: .... .-, .....~...,..te$91'lJtiqn.: 'rhe~~~tt1d ......."'theewea~~;~g. <br />~-,.,~-way4&attadk4Jb.eprojt<t.ieco1\omte~'.;'.c";';+>.....,,;.,;bEfl ~.toifl;,(litizeni~ aheadQf. .~$~~ <br />rt"~1tself..JW JJ,9W.:;tb.~ just. ~.'--"1.'b~~,__OV~h~~I1S'sChemded;'ar' ~"ID-at~lI8kl."8:nddoB.t want <br />cattackthe.tS8idN~. ..<.ing1yon01ltside..mU:t~late1Yo~o~.CosttCfthe.dty~;ReInert anyone to leglslators the <br />'AnokaC9in'1tYornci8ls an4 ,.tI1osefaetsare go~l~~ said, .'." . . ,c~';,> bnpressionvoter$want to be <br />VikIngs ,owneI\~m WilfwantV81l, ~sai,d~QVak;' .,..... . Lino:Lalte& CQuncU.lvlen1ber taxed wtth9utayq1;e.":<. <br />the ..$'19IlIQi1l1OlJ;.~l1~, rostll!. '. .~gn~;~ ;~'~aQarll;QII, Who ~Jor Kordiak couIdn'tbe;rea~ed <br />tobespUtipWthi1'i1$C"""i.sJiared;;':.oppone~,1'h(W . .....d.;:both~utions~:$d~l;0'lJl1D forconmientFrlday.....' ...., <br />by the ~tl1ej;ot1l1ty antlies,$h6~tbat . ..... .~+.not..agaiQst.thest8dlgtj:li"But ...... .~.~AAtd ,she.finds it <br />the state.1\11oka!J()unty }I1ans'r:p:lel1tsdIL$tadllU'DS'~ugb.()~'tl1is ~put8ah~ bUrden.Qn ~eseending, to ..argue' ,~ <br />to ask the LeeJA1Ati1refor antheU11itedstateshaveresuttedpeQpleWl1ocan'tattord~ ..... '.' .cltl2eps.. can't.undersf;andHthe <br />tw34ptionJi'OJI18.state law(inllttleor'noeeonoJIii~ . .,;';i~er*of~. sup- loDlttetinbeD,_Qfthe plan. <br />~,a~W~OJlsales/. 'TheYargu~that...,.. ..... . e;:iP9rk~tbe;~;~ptan "That: attitude h8$ toflamed