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<br />It is our conclusion that providing meeting minutes on the City of Centerville's website alone <br />does not fulfill the requirements of the Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. ch. I3D. In order to <br />comply, we recommend the City ofCenterville keep meeting minutes open to the public at City <br />Hall (where the records are kept) during all normal business hours. <br /> <br />Hidden Surin2s Park <br /> <br />The petitioners were concerned with the funding of the purchase of land which became Hidden <br />Springs Park. The petitioners were also concerned with the choice of engineer for this project. <br /> <br />We met with City personnel and reviewed City Council meeting minutes, a cost analysis <br />prepared by the City related to the purchase of the land and ensuing project costs, and a grant <br />agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the City of Centerville. <br />The following is a summary of our fmdings for the purchase of the Hidden Springs Park land. <br /> <br />I. The grant agreement and authorization for closing on the land purchase from the St. Paul <br />Regional Water Services was approved in the September 21,2006, City Council meeting <br />minutes. The purchase price was $536,000. <br /> <br />2. A project breakdown of the revenues and expenditures for the Hidden Springs Park <br />project indicated that the land purchase was funded in part by a $150,000 grant from the <br />Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The remaining portion of the purchase is <br />being financed from park dedication fees. Since all of the anticipated park dedication <br />fees had not been received, an interfund loan to the Park Capital Projects Fund from the <br />Sewer Fund was made. <br /> <br />3. Engineering services were provided by Bonestroo. <br /> <br />2009 Street and Utilitv Imurovement Proiect <br /> <br />The petitioners were concerned with the scope of the 2009 Street and Utility Improvement <br />Project. <br /> <br />We met with City personnel and reviewed City Council meeting minutes, a <br />Revenue/Expenditure Audit Summary report for calendar years 2007 and 2008 that was prepared <br />by the City, and the costs incurred through 2008 which are only "soft costs" (engineering and <br />administrative costs). The following items were noted. <br /> <br />1. City personnel stated that planning for the 2009 Street and Utility Improvement Project <br />began in 2007 with a project estimate of $7.0 to $7.5 million. In mid-summer of 2008, <br />the project estimate was reduced to approximately $3.5 million. <br /> <br />Page 16 <br />