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Res. #09-028 - Approving & Adopting the Emerg. Preparedness & Response Plan
City Council
Res. #09-028 - Approving & Adopting the Emerg. Preparedness & Response Plan
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10/20/2009 12:43:25 PM
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10/1/2009 10:13:07 AM
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<br />Events will be classified by level to assist department personnel in determining <br />their response and possible assignments. <br /> <br />Level 1: An incident or extended period of operations falling into this category <br />can be expected that the department will implement extended shifts or call in of <br />needed personnel for an immediate emergency. This would include water main <br />breaks or lift station failures. It could also include street clearing and debris <br />removal from a localized occurrence. <br /> <br />Level 2: An incident with extended periods of operations falls into this category. <br />It can be expected that the department will implement extended shifts, <br />reassignments of personnel, and extended operational periods of up to several <br />days or more. The limited resources of the department may require the <br />department to prioritize and respond to items on the priority list. Items in this <br />category may be from large area freezing rain and power loss, large area clean <br />up from winds and storms or catastrophic failure of critical infrastructure such as <br />a sewer main collapse or building explosion. <br /> <br />Level 3: An incident or operational period of this magnitude is expected to tax <br />the resources of the department to its fullest. The Department can expect to be <br />in this type of operational level for several weeks or longer. During this time all <br />resources may need to be devoted to critical operations only. Pandemic events, <br />acts of war and tornado damage may fall to this category. <br /> <br />Soecial Circumstances: The Department will implement special responses or <br />measures at any level as deemed necessary by supervisory staff. The goal is <br />use the least extraordinary response to maintain the minimum requirements until <br />work on an emergency is complete. Examples of some extreme measures that <br />may have to be considered in worst case scenarios could include: <br />. Set up of cots and emergency food supplies for staff for continuous staffing <br /> <br />. Bring in bulk storage for fuel for wells and lift station generators for extended <br />operations <br /> <br />. If travel is banned, open up emergency lanes only in snow for emergency <br />vehicles <br /> <br />. If extended generator operations are required, consider limited hours of utility <br />operation. Keep towers full but shut off except for limited hours each day and <br />turn on if needed for fire emergencies. Pump lift stations after daily water use <br />time. Maintain security of generators and fuel. <br /> <br />. Allowing family members to stay with operations staff at city facilities to avoid <br />added travel and cross contamination issues. <br /> <br />. Consider isolation of staff from each other and from all other contact to keep <br />utilities in operation without risk of contact with pandemic infections. <br /> <br />In a Pandemic situation. maintainina water and sewer functionality is <br />number one! <br /> <br />Page 11 of 18 <br />
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