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<br />City of Centerville <br />2009 5tneet and Utility Improvements Project <br /> <br />Page 2 <br />February 27. 2008 <br /> <br />Some residents indicated that they would be less opposed to the project with different timing. The <br />City could consider a short (1-5 year) deferment of their assessments. This may be possible if a <br />bond could be structured such that payments could be city-paid for the first few years, and <br />assessment funded towards the end of the bond. This would ailow the residents to effectively <br />"ride-out" fluctuations in the economy and begin payments at a later date when economic <br />conditions may be more favorable. <br /> <br />Q: Is an $8 million project irresponsible for a town this size, especially at this time? <br />A: If the recommendations presented herein are followed, the remaining project is estimated at $6.6 <br />million a difference of approximately $1.3 million. Much of that reduction would be City <br />participation items. Since no water main would be eliminated (assessed at 100%), and most of <br />the work eliminated would be road work (assessed at a much lower percentage), this would <br />significantly cut the City's portion of the project costs. It would be our recommendation to plan for <br />the work eliminated from this project for construction in 2014. <br /> <br />Q: Our street is in decent condition; does it need these improvements right now? <br />A: As stated above, we feel strongly that Type D and E improvements are time sensitive and are <br />needed now to avoid further deterioration of the street. Type C improvements, because they <br />cannot get any worse, could wait as long as residents will tolerate their existing condition and the <br />City is able to maintain reasonably safe driving conditions without extensive maintenance costs. <br /> <br />Q: Can other Type B improvement areas (Mill Rd. N. of Prairie Dr., Robin In. Area. Clearwater Dr.. <br />Pehier lk. Dr.) consider alternative water main installation techniques (boulevard. back yards. <br />directional drilling) to avoid ripping up a decent street as was considered on Center St? <br />. A: Mill Road. North of Prairie Drive - We still feel strongly that this section of roadway should be <br />urban section (curb). However, if the water main was installed in the boulevard, the street <br />subbase could be salvaged, perhaps decreasing the costs in this area. The section could then <br />be classified as a D3 Type improvement. <br /> <br />Robin Lane Area - Members of the public suggested installing the water main down the rear <br />yard lot lines. Several issues are raised by this suggestion: <br />. Construction easements would need to be obtained from all residents since the backyard <br />easements are a total of only ten feet wide. <br />. A number of fences and mature trees would have to be removed. <br />. The risk of a water main break flooding a home would need to be considered. <br />. The City would have to strictly enforce the easement restrictions, ensuring nothing is <br />planted or constructed within the easement. <br />. Winter access may be problematic in the event of a water main break since the area <br />would not be plowed. . <br />This decision should be carefully considered and made in close consultation with the Public Works <br />Staff. We would not re,ommend ,hanging the scope of work in this area. <br /> <br />Clearwater Drive - Originally, it was the desire of the Public Works Department to reduce the <br />size of this cul-de-sac in an effort to minimize maintenance costs and to reduce runoff. Coupled <br />with the addition of water main, this necessitated reconstruction of the roadway. Several residents <br />of this area are opposed to changes in the size of the cul-de-sac. If the cul-de-sac was not <br />