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<br />,"' #... <br /> <br />CENTERVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CUMI>IITTEE <br />REGULi4R MEE flNG MINUTES <br />TUESDAY December 16, 1~9J <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, tne Lentervllle tCOnomlC <br />Development Committee held ttlelr reguLar 5ctleduled mee'tlng on <br />December 16, 1997. Chalrperson T1m Hehoine called the meeting to <br />order at 7:0~ P.M. Present: ~jary Capra, Dan lourville, lneresa <br />Br-enner', Jim lY!ar-ch, I>la,"y Jo Helmbr-echt, John 1'lag111 (/'15 P.IY!.). <br />Absent, Paul Montain. <br /> <br />Approval of September 19~1 Minutes <br />fabled due to lack of quorum. <br /> <br />t::'.ill2r'Q:L~fLL.JiQ~J~b~r 1'397 1"I1nutes <br />Mot1on by Mary Capra to approye the Noyember <br />m1nl\tes, second by Dan TOllt'Y1lle. All In hayor--. <br /> <br />19':11 m"eolng <br /> <br />Downtown Revitaliza"tlon <br />Jim March stated he went to the CenterYllle Elementary SchOOL on <br />December 1~, lq~l and discuss~d the downtown revltallza~iun pidl15 <br />with the titth gf"'BCle class.. l~ir". BaYlano and l~j ot' tne"l <br />grade students where at the meetlng to share with the CO~lmlttee <br />some of the changes they woula llke to see. ~lr. baY18no s~a~eu <br />the students were representlng tnree of the tlttn grawE clas~es~ <br />Some of the things the studen~s would Ilks to se~ ay.e as lls~ed <br />below, <br /> <br />Walking paths connect1ng Centeryil1e to L1no LaKes <br />Football fields, bowling alley, bt'ldge to island on l-'elt1er' <br />Lake, biking paths, ligntlng or tne spol'-..tiieJ.dS., snowmObIle <br />and HTV trails, thel1lf:'oS of old r-asnlon, Uait,y U!ueen, !Yll'ni <br />Golf, Additions to the pl~yg('ol.,(nd, rixlng }'''oaas" bat nt."'o 0 III <br />updates at parks, basketball cOl.n-.ts, Elmusemen'C pa..,....xs, <br />community center., public fishing pier, walking tunnels under~ <br />the road to the school, f1x1ng or replacing ten6es at the <br />school, Christmas decorations for the city, and tarring the <br />hockey rinks for roller hockey during the summer months. <br /> <br />Uther concerns the students had were <br />speed1ng at the school Ct'OSslng, the <br />needed a new basketball net installed. <br /> <br />to see <br />par-ok otf <br /> <br />mo\'''e <br />of 00. <br /> <br />cont.,....ol or <br />Hobln Lane <br /> <br />One classes idea was to have an old fashion type theme wltn <br />flower boxes on s~reet poles and entrance slgns WIth tlower bedS. <br /> <br />The students will be writ1ng letters of support to De sUbmltted <br />to the MN Design ream. <br /> <br />lhe comm1ttee dec1ded to hold their next meet1ng on January b, <br />1~98 at ~:W0 P.M. to review the J~n DeSIgn team applIcatIon. <br /> <br />The committee mel1lOEl''I'''S dlsCl..lsseCl theIl'" ~;.n".'oqr-'~ss 011 gt;itt;lng .Le-(;i..e'l'~5 <br />