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Res. #09-031 - Sponsorship of CDBG Grant Application
City Council
Res. #09-031 - Sponsorship of CDBG Grant Application
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10/20/2009 12:42:08 PM
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10/20/2009 12:29:27 PM
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<br /> <br />I2$] Responses to narrative questions <br />!:8J Resolution of governing body requesting <br />!:8J Supporting documentation <br />!:8J Timeline or project schedule <br />o Appraisals <br />o Phase 1, 2 or other environmental hazard assessment <br />o Map or project area and service area <br /> <br />o A copy of your CAFR and/or Management & Compliance Report may be collected <br />o A Certificate of liability Insurance will be required before the Subrecipient Agreement can be <br />completed. <br /> <br /> <br />1. Describe the proposed project: Many homes in Centerville are currently served by shallow wells that <br />are subject to contamination. Residents in these homes do not have the benefit of a safe public water <br />system. They do not receive the benefits of a fluoridated water supply and the attendent prevention of <br />tooth decay that is the proven benefit of public water supplies in Minnesota. The City of Centerville has <br />imposed a sunset deadline of 2012 for all homes to be connected to the public water supply. <br /> <br />This project allows low and moderate income residents in the City of Centerville to hook up to the City <br />watermain in order to get onto City water in advance of deadline. Again, this is a relatively high expense <br />$4,000 to $10,000 for a resident that does not have the means with which to pay for it. <br /> <br />2. Identify the urgency of the improvement: Many homes are currently served by shallow wells that <br />are subject to contamination. This project will provide the means for low and moderate income <br />families to connect to city water. Also, homes with wells do not benefit from the fluoride added to <br />the City water supply and are not privy to the benefits that f10uride provides to teeth. "Over a <br />lifetime, f10uride treated water costs less than the cost of one dental filling to repari one decayed <br />tooth." (Today - Odom) <br />Also, given the DNR's mandated change to conservation and conservation rates it would benefit the <br />community to have everyone on City water in order to minimize the amount of water used or at the <br />very least the ability to track water consumption. <br /> <br />3. Is this improvement in the City/Township (re) development plans? Yes <br /> <br />4. What circumstances lead to the need for federal assistance? A majority of residents that need to hook <br />up to the City watermain are of low or moderate income as indicated by the survey. Those families <br />simply do not have the means of connecting to the City water supply. <br /> <br /> <br />I hereby acknowledge that for any COBG project compliance is required in the following areas: <br />Utilization of Minority and Women Businesses and Section 3 <br />labor Standards/Prevailing Wage, Debarred Suspended and Limited Participation verification <br />Uniform Relocation Act and 104(d) <br />Environmental Regulations and Flood Insurance <br />Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1969 <br />Handicapped AcceSSibility and Fair HOUSing <br />
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