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DATE: 06 -20 -97 <br /> FROM: CIRCLE PINES/LEXINGTON POLICE max" <br /> TO: JIM MARCH <br /> RE:TRAFFIC CONTROL CHANGE- 73 AVE AND OLD MILL ROAD <br /> CC: CENTERVILLE CITY COUNCIL <br /> Mr. March <br /> Per your request, we are evaluating the possibility of placing stop signs at East and West <br /> bound 73 Ave. at Old Mill Rd. As you know this will change this intersection to an all <br /> way stop. It is our understanding that some residents in that area have concerns about the <br /> safety of their children due to the current control of that intersection, stop sign at South <br /> bound Old Mill Road at 73` Ave. only. We are sympathetic with the concerns of the <br /> residents in the area and will attempt to explore this problem based on guide lines set forth <br /> by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, M.U.T.C.D. Section 2B -6 <br /> In the M.U.T.C.D. Guide Lines, studies have shown that (all way) stops do not have a <br /> significant impact on vehicle speeds. In midblock areas, where most accidents involving <br /> young pedestrians occur, speed increases are frequently the cause. In some cases accidents <br /> actually increase, possibly due to the stop signs being unexpected or deemed unnecessary <br /> thereby encouraging rolling stops, or by instilling a false sense of security in crossing <br /> motorists and pedestrians. This study defines the "Warrants" or justification for (all way <br /> stops), as follows: <br /> 1) An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents of a type <br /> susceptible of correction by a multiway stop installation in a 12 month period. These <br /> include Right and Left turn collisions, as well as Right angle collisions. <br /> 2) Minimum traffic volumes: <br /> Average of 500 Vehicles per hour for any eight hours /average day. <br /> Combined vehicle /pedestrian volumes from the minor street or <br /> highway (Old Mill Road) must average 200 units per hour for the same <br /> eight hours, with an average delay to minor street (Old Mill Road) <br /> vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour. <br /> 3) When 85% of approach speed of the major street, (73 Ave.) exceeds <br /> 40 MPH, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70% of the above requirements. <br /> To clarify the above requirements: <br /> 1) 5 or more reported accidents that are avoidable during a 12 month period with the <br /> installation of all way stop signs. <br />