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II. HOW INCREMENT MAY BE USED <br /> A. TIF Plan. The use of increment must be spelled out in a TIF Plan approved by the City Council <br /> after public hearing, with 30 -day notice to the County and School District, ten days published <br /> notice, and review by the planning commission. TIF Plans describe the estimated tax increment <br /> projections, financing budget and maximum debt to be issued. When approving the TIF Plan, <br /> the Council or Board must find (among other things) that the proposed development would not <br /> reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable <br /> future (the "but for" finding). For housing and redevelopment districts, must notify the county <br /> commissioner who represents the area of the TIF District at least 30 days before the date of <br /> publication of the public hearing notice. <br /> TIF Plans may be modified using the same process as for approval of the initial plan. Generally, <br /> modifications that do not increase expenditures or debt or call for new land acquisition may be <br /> approved simply by resolution. <br /> B. General Restrictions, <br /> 1. In addition to the specific limitations for each type of TIF District, tax increment may be <br /> spent only for specified purposes permitted in the underlying development statutes. Such <br /> purposes include, generally: land acquisition; site improvements; public and on -site <br /> utilities, demolition; relocation; and administration. If the authority owns a Project, <br /> increment may be used to finance essentially any aspect of the Project. Because the <br /> development statutes are often ambiguous, whether a particular activity is TIF- eligible <br /> may depend on the facts in each case. <br /> 2. Administrative expenditures are limited to 10% of the expenditures authorized in the TIF <br /> Plan, or 10% of actual increment expenditures, whichever is less. <br /> 3. Increment may not be used to finance buildings that are used "primarily and regularly for <br /> conducting the business" of any unit of govenunent, except for parking structures, a <br /> commons area used as a public park, or a facility used for social, recreational or <br /> conference purposes. <br /> C. Geographic Restrictions. <br /> 1. For districts created after April 30, 1990, no more than 25% of the increment may be <br /> spent outside the boundaries of the TIF District. <br /> 2. Increment from older districts may be spent anywhere within the Project boundaries, <br /> which permits "pooling" of increment from more than one district. <br /> Tax Increment Financing Basks - City of Centerville Page 4 <br />