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(f) Taxes, Fees and Charges. For every transfer or exchange of Note 2, <br /> the Registrar may impose a charge upon the owner thereof sufficient to reimburse <br /> the Registrar for any tax, fee, or other governmental charge required to be paid <br /> with respect to such transfer or exchange. <br /> (g) Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Note 2. In case Note 2 shall <br /> become mutilated or be lost, stolen, or destroyed, the Registrar shall deliver a new <br /> Note of like amount, maturity dates and tenor in exchange and substitution for and <br /> upon cancellation of such mutilated Note 2 or in lieu of and in substitution for such <br /> Note 2 lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon the payment of the reasonable expenses and <br /> charges of the Registrar in connection therewith; and, in the case Note 2 is lost, <br /> stolen, or destroyed, upon filing with the Registrar of evidence satisfactory to it <br /> that such Note 2 was lost, stolen, or destroyed, and of the ownership thereof, and <br /> upon furnishing to the Registrar of an appropriate bond or indemnity in form, <br /> substance, and amount satisfactory to it, in which both the City and the Registrar <br /> shall be named as obligees. Note 2 so surrendered to the Registrar shall be <br /> cancelled by it and evidence of such cancellation shall be given to the City. If the <br /> mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed Note 2 has already matured or been called for <br /> redemption in accordance with its terms, it shall not be necessary to issue a new <br /> Note prior to payment. <br /> 3.04. Preparation and Delivery. Note 2 shall be prepared under the direction <br /> of the County Auditor and shall be executed on behalf of the City by the signatures <br /> of its Mayor and Assistant City Clerk. In case any officer whose signature shall <br /> appear on Note 2 shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of Note 2, such <br /> signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if <br /> such officer had remained in office until delivery. When Note 2 has been so <br /> executed, it shall be delivered by the Assistant City Clerk to the Owner thereof <br /> upon closing on the acquisition and conveyance of the Property from the City to the <br /> Owner in accordance with the Agreement. <br /> Section 4. Security Provisions. <br /> 4.01. Pledge. The City hereby pledges to the payment of the principal of and <br /> interest on Note 2 all Available Tax Increment as defined in Note 2. <br /> Available Tax Increment shall be applied to payment of the principal of and interest <br /> on Note 2 in accordance with the terms of the form of Note set forth in Section 2 of <br /> this resolution. <br /> 4.02. Bond Fund. Until the date Note 2 is no longer outstanding and no <br /> principal thereof or interest thereon (to the extent required to be paid pursuant to <br /> this resolution) remains unpaid, the City shall maintain a separate and special "Bond <br /> Fund" to be used for no purpose other than the payment of the principal of and <br /> interest on Note 2. The City irrevocably agrees to appropriate to the Bond Fund in <br /> each year Available Tax Increment necessary to pay principal and interest due on <br /> Note 2 in such year. , Any amounts remaining in the Bond Fund shall be transferred <br /> to the City's account for TIF District No. 1 -4 upon the payment of all principal and <br /> interest to be paid with respect to Note 2. <br /> 5JB93340 <br /> CE155 -7 7 Re ..e <br />