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MEMO <br /> DATE : February 5, 1999 <br /> TO : Honorable Mayor and Council <br /> FROM : Jim March <br /> RE : R & R Leasing Rezone Request for Ten Acre Parcel East of Woods of Clearwater <br /> Creek <br /> *************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** <br /> The rezone request that was made to rezone the ten acre parcel east of the Woods of Clearwater <br /> Creek was recommended for denial by the Planning and Zoning Committee on February 2, 1999. <br /> The City Council needs to make a motion to confirm the denial of the rezoning request. If the <br /> City Council wishes to rezone a property the vote needs to carry with a 4l5ths majority. <br /> The developer proposed to construct 15 twinhomes on the ten acre parcel. The parcel has a high <br /> percentage of wetland. The current parcel is zoned R -5 residential. The minimum lot size in this <br /> zoning classification is 17,500 square feet. <br /> There were several adjacent property owners in attendance that were opposed to this <br /> development. The adjacent property owners would rather see this parcel develop into single <br /> family residential hones conforming to the R -5 zoning. Included in your packet are some notes <br /> from a resident and petition from residents opposed to the rezoning. <br />