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NOT APPROVED <br /> CENTERVILLE ECONOMIC DEVF.T.OPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br /> MARCH 16, 1999 <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Centerville Economic Development <br /> Committee held their regular scheduled meeting on March 16, 1999, Chairperson Tim <br /> Rehbine called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Present: Paul Montain, Mary Capra, <br /> Aimee Fairbrother and City Council Liaison Dick Travis. <br /> Introduction of City Council Liaison. <br /> Chairperson Tim Rehbine introduced Councilmember Dick Travis as the official City <br /> Council Liaison for the Economic Development Committee. <br /> Approval of Janua inutes <br /> Motion by Paul Montain to approve January minutes. Mary Capra seconded the motion. <br /> All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Design Team - "Ideas in Action" <br /> Mary Capra informed the committee that Ms. Penny Simonson and Ms. Lucy Thompson <br /> would be present on March 25, 1999 at 6:30 for a follow up- meeting to discuss the <br /> progress of the Design Team ideas. Ms. Capra stated that she would draft an agenda for <br /> the meeting. In addition, there will be a six month Design Team follow -up scheduled <br /> some time in June. This follow -up will be open to all residents, volunteers, and staff. <br /> A. Snowmobile Trail Update: Mr. Wayne LeBlanc has been actively involved in the <br /> Design Teams vision of Centerville's trails, lakes and parks. It was decided that the <br /> Economic Development Committee would monitor the progress of the trails through input <br /> from Mr. LeBlanc. <br /> B. Heritage Museum: The residents that are interested in this task group have been <br /> waiting for the city's decision on the status of a new public works building. Once this <br /> decision is made the group will be able to begin discussing the Design Team's vision of a <br /> Heritage Center. The Studebaker and the Antique Water Pump could be part of the <br /> museum. Committee member Capra mentioned that she has had several conversations <br /> with Mr. Bob Thein of White Bear Lake, who is extremely committed in the genealogy of <br /> Centerville. Mr. Thein has assisted Ms. Capra often with research and historical <br /> information, and is dedicated to seeing Centerville's history preserved. Chairperson <br /> Rehbine suggested that Ms.Capra ask Mr. Thein if he would like to work as a volunteer <br /> member for the Heritage Museum. <br />