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Plague Prices <br /> Chairperson Rehbine gave Ms. Fairbrother the approval to order "Citizen of the Year ", <br /> and "Business Person of the Year" plaques from Abba Trophy. Mr. Rehbine would like to <br /> have the plaques available for the Business Appreciation Dinner in May. <br /> . ,.. •K - ' ..1 P '•• <br /> The committee discussed the letter of interest submitted by Ms. Lori Dorn. Ms. Dorn has <br /> been a resident of the city for seven - years, and would like to be a part in helping our City <br /> grow into the future. After a brief discussion, the following motion was made. <br /> s . . 1 1 1 • . : 1 1 " •I ' - sal" .!• •4•'a . • .I " 1 • - - . • 1 ' - 1 • • <br /> -1 S/ - •1 1 1 Of . • 1' • -.• 1 •.1 • La • , <br /> 11 •1 4a. • _4 ••• • - •n_•1"•• •_ u 4a•• • :'.:- '• -- 1- -lit tt <br /> to fill the vacant seat and serve as a member of the Centerville Economic Development <br /> Committee All in favor Motion carried. <br /> .1 1 .•.1. •I <br /> \L• . 111 ••r•• 11.' 11-flat.l •• •1• -. •••-• • • •_•E • -° • "1••' . •r. • r-- <br /> appoint Tim Rehbine as the Economic Development Chairperson for 1999 All in favor <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Business Appreciation Dinner <br /> After a brief discussion, a tentative date of May 11, 1999, was set for the Business <br /> Appreciation Dinner. Ms. Fairbrother was asked to bring an invitation from the 1998 <br /> Business Appreciation Dinner to the next regularly scheduled meeting. At that time, the <br /> Committee will create an invitation for this years dinner and develop a list of businesses <br /> that will be included. A current list of Centerville businesses, as well as home based <br /> businesses will be provided at the April 20, 1999 meeting. A suggestion was made to <br /> invite future Centerville businesses. This would ensure that both established and new <br /> businesses are recognized equally. Ms. Capra stated that Lloyd Drilling should be invited <br /> to give a short presentation on his strip mall. Mr. Montain added that a summary of the <br /> Design Team should be given. <br /> Aourn <br /> Motion to adjourn at 8:40 was made by Mr. Rehbine. Motion seconded by Ms. Capra. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Aimee Fairbrother <br /> Secretary <br />