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release shall reset that animal's impoundment count to the beginning of the fee scale. <br /> 100.02 Dogs and Cats. <br /> Subd. 1 Running at Large Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, <br /> harbors, or keeps a dog or cat, or the parents or the guardians of any such person under 18 <br /> years of age, to allow such dog or cat to run at large. Dogs or cats on a Leash and <br /> accompanied by a responsible person or accompanied by and under the control and <br /> direction of a responsible person so as to be effectively restrained by command as by <br /> leash, shall be permitted in streets or on public land unless the City has posted an area <br /> with signs reading "Dogs or Cats Prohibited." <br /> Subd. 2 License Required. <br /> A. All dogs over the age of six months kept, harbored, or maintained by their <br /> owners in the City, shall be licensed and registered with the City. Dog licenses <br /> shall be issued by the Clerk- Treasurer upon payment of the license fee. The <br /> license shall be valid for one year. The owner shall state, at the time application is <br /> made for the license and upon forms provided for such purpose, his or her name <br /> and address and the name, breed, color, and sex of each dog owned or kept by him <br /> or her. No license shall be granted for a dog which has not been vaccinated <br /> against distemper and rabies, as provided in this Section. Vaccination shall be <br /> performed only by a doctor qualified to practice veterinary medicine in the state in <br /> which the dog is vaccinated. A veterinarian who vaccinates a dog to be licensed in <br /> the City shall complete a certificate of vaccination. One copy shall be issued to <br /> the dog owner for affixing to the license application. <br /> B. It shall be the duty of each owner of a dog subject to this Section to pay to the <br /> Clerk- Treasurer the license fee as imposed by the Council by resolution. <br /> C. Upon payment of the license fee, the Clerk- Treasurer shall issue to the owner <br /> a license certificate and metallic tag for each dog licensed. The tag shall have <br /> stamped on it the year for which it is issued and the number corresponding with <br /> the number on the certificate. Every owner shall be required to provide each dog <br /> with a collar to which the license tag must be affixed, and shall see that the collar <br /> and tag are constantly worn. In case a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate <br /> shall be issued by the Clerk- Treasurer. A charge of two dollars (32.00) shall be <br /> made for each duplicate tag. Dog tags shall not be transferable from one dog to <br /> another and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee or tag because of <br /> death of a dog or the owner's leaving the City before the expiration of the license <br /> period. <br /> D. The licensing provisions of this Subdivision shall not apply to dogs whose <br /> owners are non - residents temporarily within the City, nor to dogs brought into the <br /> 72 <br />