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(h) The compatability of the proposed use with <br /> existing development and development <br /> anticipated in the forseeable future. <br /> (i) The relationship of the proposed use to the <br /> Comprehensive Plan and Flood Plain Management <br /> Program for the area. <br /> (3) The safety of access to the property in times <br /> of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. <br /> (k) The expected heights, velocity, duration, <br /> rate of rise, and sediment transport of the <br /> flood waters expected at the site. <br /> (1) Such other factors which are relavant to the <br /> pruposes of this Ordinance. <br /> 10.45 Time for Acting on Application. The City Council <br /> shall act on an application in the manner <br /> described above within 30 days from receiving the <br /> application, except that where additional <br /> information is required pursuant to 10.44 of this <br /> Ordinance.. The City Council shall render a <br /> written decision within 14 days from the receipt <br /> of such additional information. <br /> 10.46 Conditions Attached to Conditional Use Permits. <br /> Upon consideration of the factors listed above and <br /> the purpose of this Ordinance, the City Council <br /> shall attach such conditions to the granting of <br /> Conditional Use Permits as it deems necessary to <br /> fulfill the proposes of this Ordinance. Such <br /> conditions may include, but are not limited to, <br /> the following: <br /> (a) Modification of waste treatment and water <br /> supply facilities. <br /> (b) Limitations on period of use, occupancy and <br /> operation. <br /> (c) Imposition of operational controls, sureties <br /> and deed restrictions. <br /> (d) Requirements for construction of channel <br /> modifications, compensatory storage, dikes, <br /> levees, and other protective measures. <br /> (e) Flood- proofing measures, in accordance with <br /> the State Building Code and this Ordinance. <br /> The applicant shall submit a plan or document <br /> certified by a registered professional <br /> engineer or architect that the flood- proofing <br /> measures are consistent with the Regulatory <br /> Flood Protection Elevation and associated <br /> flood factors for the particular area. <br /> SECTION 11.0 NONCOMFORMTNG USES <br /> 11.1 A structure or the use of a structure or premises <br /> which was lawful before the passage or amendment <br /> of this Ordinance but which is not in conformity <br /> with the provisions of this Ordinance may be <br /> �ontinued subject to the following conditions: <br /> -22- <br />