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E. Kennels <br /> Minnesota statutes provide for the regulation of kennels." The statutes require the <br /> owner /operator of a kennel to obtain a license for operation from the Board of Animal <br /> Health. A municipality may, however, incorporate the statutory provisions into its <br /> animal control provisions or draft an ordinance that better defines what constitutes a <br /> kennel and any additional restrictions. <br /> V. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ANIMAL OWNER <br /> A. Obtaining a licence <br /> Many ordinances provide that an individual cannot own an animal that has not <br /> received proper vaccinations. In order to have this type of provision the City must <br /> require proof of vaccination. Ordinances that require animal owners to "check the <br /> box" as to whether or not their animal has been vaccinated have been challenged as <br /> violating a person's right against self - incrimination. Therefore, it is better to merely <br /> require a certificate from a veterinarian that the animal had been vaccinated. <br /> B. Humane care <br /> Minnesota Statute, chapter 343, prevents cruelty to animals. Cities may have similar <br /> provisions. However, those provisions should be very specific, e.g., requiring that <br /> animals be given proper food, water and shelter. Otherwise they may challenged for <br /> being too vague and thus violating a person's due process rights. Rather than drafting <br /> its own provisions a City may incorporate state law into its ordinance. <br /> In making the determination that an animal is being treated cruelly, the City must take <br /> into consideration the breed of animal in question. Otherwise, an owner may <br /> challenge a citation for animal cruelty on the basis that the ordinance was applied to <br /> him or her arbitrarily. For example, certain breeds of dogs do not require an enclosed <br /> shelter while outside; even though it may be a typical Minnesota winter and 30 <br /> degrees below outside. Thus, it would be inappropriate for the City to issue a citation <br /> for animal cruelty on the basis that the owner failed to comply with the ordinance by <br /> failing to have an enclosed shelter. <br /> VI. THE CAPTURE AND CUSTODY OF AN ANIMAL - WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS? <br /> A. Seizure of animals <br /> 1. Authority to enter the animal owner's premises <br /> In order to enforce its animal control ordinances, enforcement officers may <br /> need to enter onto the premises of an animal owner for inspection purposes. <br /> Generally, a search warrant is required to enter upon a person's premises, <br /> inspect it, and seize any property. Therefore, an enforcement officer should <br /> G. VY01N ITIUOYnlORC1A VOTF2O0A4."t4LILCI7 OP I O 6 3 COpribt Lchillt oL Minmou Chia 0 1999 <br />