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City for the purpose of participating in any dog show, nor shall this provision <br /> apply to "seeing eye" dogs properly trained to assist blind persons for the purpose <br /> of aiding them in going from place to place. <br /> E. The funds received by the Clerk- Treasurer from all dog licenses and metallic <br /> tags fees shall first be used to defray any costs incidental to the enforcement of <br /> this Section; including, but not restricted to, the costs of licenses, metallic tags, <br /> and impounding and maintenance of the dogs. <br /> Subd. 3 Cats. Cats shall be included as controlled by this sub - section insofar as <br /> running -at- large, pickup, impounding, boarding, licensing and proof of anti - rabies <br /> vaccine is concerned. All other provisions of this Section shall also apply to cats unless <br /> otherwise provided. <br /> Subd. 4 Vaccination. <br /> A. All dogs and cats kept harbored, maintained, or transported within the City <br /> shall be vaccinated at least once every three years by a licensed veterinarian for: <br /> 1. Rabies - with a live modified vaccine; and <br /> 2. Distemper <br /> B. A certificate of vaccination must be kept on which is stated the date of <br /> vaccination, owner's name and address, the animal's name (if applicable), sex, <br /> description and weight, the type of vaccine, and the veterinarian's signature. Upon <br /> demand made by the Clerk - Treasurer or a police officer, the owner shall present <br /> for examination the required certificate(s) of vaccination for the animal(s). In <br /> cases where certificates are not presented, the owner or keeper of the animal(s) <br /> shall have seven days in which to present the certificate(s) to the Clerk - Treasurer <br /> or police officer. Failure to do so shall be deemed a violation of this Section. <br /> Subd. 5. Penalty. A fifty dollar (550.00) fine shall be imposed on the owner of any <br /> animal found unlicensed in violation of this sub - section. <br /> 100. 03 Non - Domestic Animals. It shall be illegal for any person to own, possess, harbor, or <br /> offer for sale, any non - domestic animal within the City limits. Any owner of such an animal at <br /> the time of adoption of this Code shall have thirty days in which to remove the animal from the <br /> City after which time the City may impound the animal as provided for in this Section. An <br /> exception shall be made to this prohibition for animals specifically trained for and actually <br /> providing assistance to the handicapped or disabled, and for those animals brought into the City <br /> as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a Licensed show <br /> or exhibition. <br /> 73 <br />