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Subd. 4 Other. Any animals kept contrary to this Section are hereby declared a public <br /> nuisance and may be abated according to the law. <br /> 100.08 Seizure of Animals. Any police officer or animal control officer may enter upon private <br /> property and seize any animal provided that following exist: <br /> (a) There is an identified complainant other than the police officer or animal control <br /> officer making a contemporaneous complaint about the animal; <br /> (b) The officer reasonably believes that the animal meets either the barking dog <br /> criteria set out in 100.07, subd. 1; the criteria for cruelty set out in 100.13; or the <br /> criteria for an at large animal set out in 100.01 subd. 5; <br /> (c) the officer can demonstrate that there has been at least one previous complaint of <br /> a barking dog; inhumane treatment of the animal; or that the animal was at large <br /> at this address on a prior date; <br /> (d) The officer has made a reasonable attempt to contact the owner of the property <br /> and those attempts have either failed or have been ignored; <br /> (e) The seizure will not involve the forced entry into a private residence. Use of a <br /> pass key obtained from a property manager, landlord, innkeeper, or other <br /> authorized person to have such key shall not be considered unauthorized entry; <br /> (f) No other less intrusive means is available to stop either the barking dog, the <br /> inhumane treatment of the animal; or the at large animal; and <br /> (g) Written notice of the seizure is Left in a conspicuous place if personal contact with <br /> the owner of the dog is not possible. <br /> 100.09 Animals Presenting a Danger to Health and Safety of City. If, in the reasonable belief <br /> of any person or police officer an animal presents an immediate danger to the health and safety of <br /> any person, the officer may painlessly kill the animal. Otherwise the person or officer may <br /> apprehend the animal and deliver it to the pound for confinement. In such a case, the owner or <br /> keeper of the animal shall be liable for the cost of maintenance provided, and if the animal is <br /> destroyed, a charge of ($75.00) to dispose of the animal. If the animal is found not to be a danger <br /> to the health and safety of the City, it may be released to the owner or keeper in accordance with <br /> this Section. The animal may be released to other persons in accordance with this Section. <br /> 100.10 Diseased Animals. <br /> Subd. 1 Running at Large. No person shall keep or allow to be kept on his or her <br /> premises, or on premises occupied by them, nor permit to run at large in the City, any <br /> animal which is diseased so as to be a danger to the health and safety of the City, even <br /> :hough the animal be properly licensed under this Section. <br /> Subd. 2 Confinement. Any animal reasonably suspected of being diseased and <br /> presenting a threat to the health and safety of the public, may be apprehended and <br /> confined in the pound by any person or police officer. The police officer shall have a <br /> qualified veterinarian examine the animal. If the animal is found to be diseased in such a <br /> manner so as to be a danger to the health and safety of the City, the officer shall cause <br /> 76 <br />