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such animal to be painlessly killed and shall properly dispose of the remains. The owner <br /> or keeper of the animal killed under this Section shall be liable for a fine of seventy-five <br /> cost maintaining and disposing of the animal, <br /> dollars ($75.00) to cover the cos of g p g plus the p <br /> costs of any veterinarian examinations. <br /> Subd. 3 Release. If the animal, upon examination, is not found to be diseased within the <br /> meaning of this Section, the animal shall be released to the owner or keeper free of <br /> charge. <br /> 100.11 Dangerous Animals. <br /> (a) Attack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to restrain an animal <br /> from inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal <br /> whether or not the owner is P resent. Violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor <br /> punishable by a fine not to exceed seven hundred dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment for <br /> not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. This section shall not apply to an attack by a dog <br /> -d law enforcement officer or to an attack an uninvited upon the control of an on -duty a p <br /> intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent. <br /> (b) Destruction of dangerous animal. The animal control officer shall have the authority <br /> to order the destruction of dangerous animals in accordance with the terms established by <br /> this ordinance. <br /> (c) Definitions. <br /> (1) A dangerous animal is an animal which has: <br /> a. Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private <br /> property; or <br /> b. Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances which would <br /> indicate danger to personal safety; or <br /> c. Exhibited unusually aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another <br /> animal; or <br /> d. Bitten one (1) or more persons on two (2) or more occasions; or <br /> e. Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal <br /> knowledge of the same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or <br /> endangers the safety of humans or domestic animals. <br /> (2) A potentially dangerous animal is an animal which has: <br /> a. Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private property; or <br /> b. When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, <br /> I <br /> 77 <br />