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MKT - ca rr 100 MM - - r. k.( <br /> 2) Be required to keep accurate records of <br /> the Impoundment and disposition of all dogs <br /> in the custody of the City; <br /> 3) Be requited to investigate reported <br /> injuries from animals, and to keep accurate <br /> • <br /> records of such cases; <br /> 4) Be required to keep accurate records of <br /> all money received and to comply with proper <br /> auditing and bookkeeping standards; <br /> 5) Carry out prevention of cruelty duties <br /> as prescribed in this Section, Minnesota <br /> Statutes, Sections 343.20 - 343.40, and <br /> Minnesota Statures Chapter 346; and <br /> 6) Perform enforcement duties as prescribed <br /> in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 609.226 and <br /> 609.227, and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 347. <br /> B. Interference - No person shall interfere with, hinder <br /> or molest a City animal control officer or licensed peace officer <br /> enforcing this section or state law. No person shall seek to release .. <br /> any animal in the custody of a city animal control officer except as <br /> herein provided. <br /> C. Investigation Authority - Animal control officers and/ <br /> or licensed peace officers are hereby empowered and authorized to make <br /> inspections and conduct investigations of alleged violations of this Section and <br /> state law. <br /> D. Authority to Petition for a Warrant - For the purpose of discharging the <br /> duties imposed by this Section, city animal control officers and/or any licensed <br /> peace officer, upon demonstration of cause, may petition for issuance of a <br /> warrant to enter premises upon which an animal is kept or harbored. <br /> E. Duty of animal Control Officers Regarding Exposure <br /> of Animals - Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 343.29 the <br /> animal control officer or Licensed peace officer may remove, shelter, <br /> •129c- <br /> Amended Section 10.10 Ord. 97 -02 11-6-97 <br /> Publication: Quad 11-18-97 <br />