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• <br /> be completed. <br /> Chair Welk questioned the audience for comments in regard to the <br /> MUSA request. The Planning Commission heard no comment from the <br /> audience. <br /> Public Hearing closed at 7 :24 p.m. <br /> Bill Bisek - Variance <br /> Mr. Bill Bisek (7098 Centerville Road) presented a plan to expand <br /> Kelly's Korner on the northeast corner of the building. Mr. <br /> Bisek noted the expansion will create an ADA entrance into the <br /> bar area, provide a larger kitchen and dinning area. <br /> Mr. March commented several variances have been issued in the <br /> downtown area. This appears to be because of non - conformance <br /> issues. Mr. March added, the addition will not be further north <br /> than the existing north wall. <br /> Ms. Brossard - Vickers questioned setting precedence. Mr. Palzer <br /> commented variances can be issued to bring a building to a less <br /> non - conforming building. Mr. Buckbee questioned Staff if the <br /> existing building was destroyed and then rebuilt would the <br /> building be within the required set backs. Mr. Palzer noted the <br /> County requires a 50' building set back from the center of <br /> County Road 14. <br /> The Planning Commission suggested waiting until the Design Team <br /> reports its findings to the City, prior to approval. Mr. March <br /> commented the Design Team will make recommendations to the City <br /> on linking trailways, providing downtown access. Chair Welk <br /> questioned Staff as to the Design Teams time line to report back <br /> to the City. Mr. March commented the Design Team should report <br /> back its findings by mid - September. <br /> Mr. Buckbee questioned Staff about the County's variance process. <br /> Mr. March said Anoka County has plans to widen Main Street. <br /> However, it may be in the City's best interest to develop its own <br /> way prior to that time. Also, Mr. March understood the City has <br /> planting power. <br /> Mr. Bisek noted zoning ordinance #4 needed to be changed to <br /> address the downtown area because of the unique layout and the <br /> age of the buildings. <br /> Mr. Buckbee commented the City needs to change the ordinances <br /> instead of the City granting variances. <br /> 3 <br />