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Action on Travis Rezone Request <br /> Mr. LaMotte moved to recommend to the .until to as .rove the Travi r- • ;e re.u-st. Ms. <br /> Bross ard- Vickers seconded the m otion Motion carried una nimousl y. <br /> Action on Ordinance #44A - Building Construction <br /> Mr. March presented an amendment to ordinance #44 A - Building Construction to read: <br /> Light Industrial/Industrial Districts <br /> All buildings erected on land within the light industrial and industrial zoning districts shall be <br /> constructed with the main wall component being masonry, concrete or structural iron. No <br /> building shall have pole barn type construction nor an exterior wall surface of sheet metal in <br /> excess of 25 %of the surface area. Exterior wall surfaces shall be of non - combustible materials, <br /> the trim materials are excluded from this requirement. Contrasting architectural features must be <br /> included to highlight the exterior wall faces. This may include contrasting building materials <br /> and /or colors. The intent is to develop aesthetically pleasing buildings. The building design will <br /> be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. <br /> Commercial Districts <br /> Buildings in the commercial zoning districts shall be constructed with the main wall component <br /> being wood frame, masonry, concrete or structural iron. No building shall have pole barn type <br /> construction. Contrasting architectural features must be included to highlight the exterior wall <br /> faces. This may include contrasting building materials and/or colors. The intent is to develop <br /> aesthetically pleasing buildings. The building design will be reviewed and approved by the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> Mr. March commented the main intent is the commercial assessed value difference and the <br /> buildings longevity. Chair Welk noted there is no problem requiring structurally sound buildings <br /> for a better appearance. The Commission's consensus is to proceed with the amended changes. <br /> Mr. LaMotte moved to recommend approval to amend ordinance #44A - Building Construction <br /> Chair Welk seconded the motion. Moiton carried unanimously. <br /> DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> Shoreland Ordinance <br /> Mr. Nyberg briefed the Commission on the need to adopt the shoreland ordinance to complete the <br /> City's comprehensive plan. The Metropolitan Council approved the City Comprehensive plan <br /> contingent upon the completion and acceptance of the surface water management plan (SWMP). <br /> The shoreland ordinance is needed to complete the SWMP. The shoreland ordinance is designed <br /> to identify the particular distance a building construction can occur from the waterways. <br /> Currently, the DNR is requesting the city require a 300' setback for the waterways. Whereas, <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) is requesting the city implement a minimal 1000' setback <br /> from the waterways. Mr. March proposed to design the shoreland ordinance as less restrictive as <br /> 5 <br />