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2 - July 1, 1998 <br /> We would like the following items considered for revision: <br /> 1. Lower the Height to 10 feet in height. <br /> 2. No second stories allowed on accessory structure <br /> 3. The city requires special (separate) permits for accessory structures, notifying <br /> adjoining property owners and allowing appeals and not allowing (add on's) to <br /> existing permits. <br /> 4. The footage off of the side lot line be extended to 25 feet and the footage off the <br /> back lot be decreased to 10 feet. (reverse what the req.'s are now) <br /> We bare no ill feelings towards the neighbors., but are upset with the city for allowing it <br /> in the first place! The city ordinance needs clarification /revision for future protection <br /> of other homeowners. Attached are photos of the structure. <br /> Please consider these revisions carefully, as the next giant shed could be next door to <br /> you. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Dan and Denise Saxton <br /> (612)429 -5564 <br /> • <br />