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Councilmember Powers questioned Staff on the pro's and con's of making this application. Mr. <br /> March replied each city will receive funds based on how many communities participate in the <br /> program. The main benefit is in the amount of money the city receives. Councilmember Powers <br /> asked if the financial benefit is absorbed into the cost of conducting the program. Mr. March felt <br /> the financial benefit will outweigh the administrative cost. <br /> Councilmember Brenner moved and it was seconded to direct Staff to apply for LPA for 1999. <br /> Motion carried unanimously, <br /> Attorney Services <br /> Councilmember Helmbrecht addressed the Council and suggested the City evaluate the Attorney <br /> services provided to the City. Mr. March suggested the City hold all consultants accountable. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee suggested the incoming Council members be involved with the selection <br /> process. Councilmember Helmbrecht expressed concern with waiting as it may cost the city more <br /> money. Mr. March suggested completing the process now instead of later. Councilmember <br /> Brenner suggested Staff research contracting with another firm and then report the findings to the <br /> Council. Councilmember Powers felt it is a good practice to set up an annual or biannual <br /> evaluation of all consultants the City uses. However, performing annual reviews may be too <br /> taxing on the Staff, and then Councilmember Powers suggested the City set up performance <br /> review increments for all consultants. <br /> ouncilme Helmbrech moved an d it was seconded to request Mr. March to begin <br /> researching for potential City Attorneys Motion carried unanimously <br /> COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Chauncey Barett Senior Housing Facility <br /> Councilmember Brenner reported on the Chauncey Barett senior housing facilities rental status. <br /> To date, the City has fifteen signed lease agreements which leaves one unit available. <br /> Tri- Cities Police Department <br /> Mayor Wilharber reported a Tri- Cities Police Department meeting is scheduled for Monday, June <br /> 29, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. The City of Centerville is hosting this meeting at City Hall. <br /> City Administrators Annual Review <br /> Mayor Wilharber announced, the Council completed the Administrator's performance review. <br /> Mayor Wilharber moved and it was seconded to renew the Administrator's contract another year <br /> and to move the position to a grade 10, step 6. retroactive to Mav 20. 1998 with an additional <br /> $3000 performance bonus. <br /> Mr. March shared that he and his family enjoys the community and his job. <br /> 5 <br />