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Patrick J. Phippen <br /> 1563 Peltier Lake Drive <br /> Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> 429 -6460 <br /> VARIANCE FOR STORAGE SHED - less than 75 feet from lake shore. <br /> Reason for request: <br /> We have owned our property since 1978. When purchased there was an existing <br /> storage structure on an 11' x 11' cement slab next to the lake shore. The structure <br /> may very well date back to 1957 when the original home was built. Over the years, <br /> the shed has been hit by fallen trees in storms, etc. In an effort to straighten the shed <br /> and improve its appearance, we attempted to straighten it and replace the siding dur- <br /> ing the fall of 1997. But, as we removed siding it became clear that the structure was <br /> bad, so we pulled it to the ground, cleaned up the debris and planned to put a new <br /> shed in the following spring. We were certain that because there had been a shed in <br /> that spot, there would be no problem replacing it. And, replacing it was the only way to <br /> improve the appearance of the shed, <br /> When we visited the City of Centerville to get a building permit, we were informed of <br /> the "new" rule that states the shed would need to be 75 feet from the lake shore. <br /> Unfortunately, we do not have the option to comply with that rule and build a shed 75 <br /> feet from the shore or we would have chosen to do that instead of pay the variance <br /> fee. The only open property that we have 75 feet from the shore is on one side of the <br /> house and must be kept open to drive through because we must pull our dock and <br /> boat lift in and out of the water each year. <br /> During the 20 years we have lived in our home and had this shed, we have watched <br /> both neighbors put it sheds that are NOT 75 feet from the lake shore and did interfere <br /> with our view of the lake. One neighbor didn't only put in a shed, they brought in an <br /> entire garage. (see photos) We understand why the has this rule. However, we <br /> feel that because the shed was there all along and a new shed should be viewed as <br /> an improvement over leaving the deteriorating shed up (which we could have done) <br /> and because both neighbors have a shed within 75 feet of the lake, we should be <br /> allowed to rebuild the shed. There is also the cement slab to consider, which remains. <br /> We also only have a one and a half car garage and having a shed will mean that our <br /> yard will be kept neater beause without the shed we do not have storage for many <br /> things. This should be in the neighbors' best interests as well. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br />