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• <br /> Mr. Lessard continent there is an engineering study in progress to address drainage. Mr. Lessard <br /> added, the bulk of the City's tax burden is placed on businesses, therefore, the commercial district <br /> is a benefit to the City. Furthermore, Mr. Lessard would not propose anything that would be <br /> detrimental to the surrounding properties. The new businesses would be well designed with good <br /> commercial buildings to blend with the residential area. <br /> Mr. Jim March (7147 Brian Way) addressed several concerns that arose. Mr. March stressed any <br /> property owner can make a request to the city and the request must be addressed by the City. <br /> Therefore, the city is not endorsing the rezone request. Also, the City publishes public hearings <br /> and notifies all residents within 350' of the property in question. Therefore, some residents may <br /> not have been notified because their property is too far a distance from the proposed property. <br /> The City is governed by the people, and comments and concerns are taken into consideration. <br /> However, the City will do what is best for the City has a whole. Finally, the developments of <br /> Clearwater Meadows and Eagle Pass were designed by the City to connect Eagle Trail and Brain <br /> Drive. <br /> Mr. Buckbee questioned Staff if the last comprehensive plan indicated the twenty -acre parcel was <br /> zoned commercial. <br /> Chair Welk noted receipt of three letters received from the Kurshener family (7005 Brian Drive), <br /> Carter family (6944 Ivy Court), Johnson family (7017 Brian Drive), and the Lenz family (7008 <br /> Brian Drive) (Please see attached). <br /> Mr. Buckbee moved to adjourn this section of the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Ms. Broussard - <br /> Vickers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously <br /> Terminal Transport - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Brent Coatney and Mr, John Snyder gave a presentation on Terminal Transports concept and <br /> landscaping plan. The building will be approximately 14,000 square feet and will sit on 6.75 acres. <br /> Terminal Transport Developer plans are to break ground for the new building on June 15, and <br /> open for business in September of 1998. <br /> Mr. March clearly stated the certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the utilities are <br /> available and operational. <br /> Ms. Norma Nadeau (6644 20th Avenue, Lino Lakes) questioned the business owners if their <br /> entrance will be from 20th Avenue or Cedar Street. Mr. Snyder confirmed the business will have <br /> access onto 20th Avenue. <br /> Mr. March reported the property is industrially zoned and the lot size is similar to Northern Forest <br /> Product's lot size. <br /> Mr. Brian Hanson (1950 Center Street) said, the semi traffic has increased on 20th Avenue which <br /> 3 <br />