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• <br /> Ms. Broussard- Vickers suggested shortening the road from 960' to 800'. Mr. Peterson <br /> commented, the road and cul -de -sac should be constructed to the north property line for future <br /> construction. <br /> Mr. LaMotte moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Broussard- Vickers seconded the motion. <br /> Motion c arried una <br /> Amend Cable Ordinance #40 <br /> Chair Welk acknowledged the audience. <br /> Ms. Broussard- Vickers moved to close the public hearing Mr. LaMotte seconded the motion <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> A variance - Reconstruction of a shed at 1563 Peltier Lake Drive for Phippen <br /> Ms. Broussard- Vickers moved to close the Phippen variance public hearing. Mr. LaMotte <br /> seconded the motion Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Rezone Property From R1 to PUD (Planned Unit Development) For Rehbein <br /> Chair Welk addressed the audience and requested comments in regards to the rezone request for <br /> the property identified as the west 10 acre portion of 7305 & 7353 20th Avenue. <br /> Mr. Rod Henslin (1967 73rd Street) was present to discuss the rezone request from R1 to PUD. <br /> He also said that the proposed development did not include grass, nor playground equipment <br /> because of the blacktop requirements. Mr. Henslin requested the Conunission to deny the request <br /> based on a noncompliance of the R5 zoning requirements and since the developers lacked to <br /> address the PUD items in Ordinance #4. <br /> Mr, LaMotte moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Broussard - Vickers seconded the motion. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> APPEARANCES <br /> Willie Lessard - Sketch Plan for Lake Area Utilities - 6994 20th Avenue <br /> Mr. Lessard (6994 20th Avenue) presented a sketch plan for the Lake Area Utilities property. He <br /> also explained the proposed plan of 23 lots are in compliance with the R2 zoning requirements. <br /> All the lots are a minimum, of 15,000 sq. ft. Mr. Lessard explained that all concerns express from <br /> pass meetings have been addressed: lights, traffic the through road from Brain Drive to 20th <br /> Avenue and a desire to have homes instead of townhomes/commercial. He also noted he <br /> proposed to provide a trailway easement on the east side of 20th Avenue in exchange of park <br /> dedicated land. Mr. Lessard requested the Commissions approval to pursue preliminary plat <br /> consideration during the October Commission meeting. The Planning Commission suggested Mr. <br /> Lessard attend the Park and Recreation meeting the following night. <br /> 3 <br />