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DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> Reschedule November 3. Planning and Zoning Meetin to Novemb 10. 1998 - Tabled <br /> Amend Ordinance #5 Discharge of Firearms - tabled <br /> CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> March 12. 1998 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes <br /> Mr. LaM tte moved to acce.t the arch 12 1998 Planning and Zoning Meeting, minutes. Chair <br /> Welk seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> A I ril 7 1998 Plannin. and Zonin Meetin. Minutes <br /> The Commission recognized no meeting was held on April 7, 1998. <br /> May 5. 1998 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes - Tabled <br /> June 1998 Planning and Zoning_Meeting Minutes - Tabled <br /> July 7. 1998 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes <br /> u_ :ro. .rd -V it. -, • • -, 7 ' <itI ._., _.i1' u - '1. �� - 'th <br /> corrections. Mr. LaMotte seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously_ <br /> Chair Welk noted the City's desire to implement the PUD requirements for the Rehbein property. <br /> However, Mr. Rehbein will need to comply with Ordinance #4: Article 5 - Planned Unit <br /> Developments. She also read aloud the above - mentioned ordinance. <br /> Mr. Tom Kennedy (1983 73rd Street) and Mr. Tom Hauge (1994 73rd Street) opposed further <br /> restricting, Ordinance #5 Discharge of Firearms. Chair Welk read aloud section 3 of ordinance <br /> #5. <br /> Ordinance #4 - Outbuildings - Saxton <br /> Mr. Dan Saxton (1949 73rd Street) was present to discuss ordinance #4. Particularly, Section <br /> 34.06 -1 AMOUNT OF YARD OCCUPIED. In the R -2A R -2 and R -5 zoning districts a <br /> detached accessory building not over one story and not exceeding fourteen (14) feet in height may <br /> occupy not to exceed ten (10) percent square footage of the area of any rear yard. The height of <br /> the accessory building shall not exc-& 1 the height of the primary building. Mr. Saxton <br /> commented his neighbor erected a shed that is 14 feet wide, 24 feet long and 17 feet high. This <br /> shed is 10 feet from his property line and 25 feet from the back lot line. Mr. Saxton distributed <br /> photos of the shed while in various stages of construction. He then requested the Commissions <br /> consideration to amend the ordinance to ensure another property owner does not have a similar <br /> experience. <br /> 5 <br />