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• <br /> which occurred in the City of Mahtomedi, and she commented the <br /> homeowners are very unhappy with the City's rezoning decision. <br /> In addition, the Mahtomedi bank has been held -up for ransom which <br /> subjects the neighborhood to violence. <br /> Mr. Marcel Rivard (7022 Progress Road) voiced concern his <br /> property may become landlocked if the Clearwater Road is vacated. <br /> Mr. Kolsted clarified the vacation of road is from Main Street to <br /> Sorel Street. Thus, the property in questioned would not be <br /> landlocked. <br /> Ms. Peggy Anderson (7082 Progress Road) questioned the Developer <br /> who would pay for the sidewalk and its maintenance. Chair Welk <br /> noted the city needs to acquire an easement prior to the sidewalk <br /> installation. <br /> Ms. Linda Paulson (1764 Main Street) commented the bank will not <br /> create more traffic than the tree farm generated. Ms. Paulson <br /> added, children should not be playing around Main Street area. <br /> Mr. Rick Paulson (1764 Main Street) recalled when deer roamed the <br /> area. Now, there are townhomes and diesel trucks running. In <br /> addition, there is a chiropractic office on Main Street in a <br /> residential district, a bank is better for tax purposes. <br /> Mr. Buckbee emphasized the City's need to wait on acting until <br /> the whole Main Street plan is considered. <br /> Ms. Brossard- Vickers suggested waiting until the city receives a <br /> report back from the design team, thus affording the city the <br /> opportunity to work with all the properties along Main Street. <br /> Also, unfortunately, neighborhood opposition does not determine <br /> approval or denial if a property is rezoned: 1 <br /> Ms. Roberta Wirth (7065 Eagle Trail) stated the zoning change <br /> will have an impact on the safety and welfare of all parties, <br /> which needs to be taken into consideration, as per state law. <br /> And if not, what criterion needs to be met for rezoning. <br /> Mr. March replied the city has "Police authority" which gives <br /> them zoning rights. <br /> Mr. Buckbee commented Mr. Kolsted has presented an interesting <br /> concept. However, the idea does not address spot zoning. Mr. <br /> Buckbee recommended waiting until the design team brings their <br /> ideas back to the city. <br /> Mr. Bisek suggested the Planning Commission not place too much <br /> 5 <br />