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Buckbee's question stating that there are completed soil boring tests on each lot. Furthermore, <br /> plans are that the Developer, the City of Centerville and the City of Lino Lakes will share the road <br /> construction cost. Mayor Wilharber was pleased to hear of Lino Lakes willingness to work with <br /> Centerville. <br /> Mr. Hoeft commented the City will work with the Developer on the road construction, grading <br /> plan, utility and drainage details. Mr. March noted the City will work with the Developer on the <br /> Developers Agreement. <br /> Councilmember Buckbee moved to al s r u ve the I reli ina I lat or Beuchler Estates <br /> contingent upon RCWD approval. Councilmember Brenner seconded the motion. <br /> Buckbee ave. Brenner aye. Wilharber aye. Powers nay. Motion carried. <br /> Resolution 98 -25 Delinquent Utility Bills <br /> Councilmember Buckbee moved to adopt Resolution 98 -25. Councilmember Powers <br /> seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Holiday Party Saturday. December 5. 1998 <br /> Ms. Gaustad gave an overview of the progress on the holiday party. In addition, staff has been <br /> compiling a list of volunteers' name and address to invite. The plan is to have Staff and Council <br /> dine together prior to awards, appetizers and dancing at Kelly's Korner. Councilmember <br /> Buckbee requested the band to begin at or after 10:00 p.m. Councilmember Brenner requested <br /> Council consider distributing funds for the dinners of the "Citizen and Business Person of the <br /> Year." <br /> COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Mayor Wilharber praised Centerville citizens because the voters turn out was 76.6 %. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Councilmember Powers moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilmember Brenner seconded <br /> the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The November 9, 1998 Council meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Ry -Chel Gaustad, CMC <br /> City Clerk <br /> 3 <br />