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Mr. Jim Heftier, 6905 Dupre, expressed that he felt commercial could be good for the <br /> community in providing jobs, or town homes like what is north of Main Street. <br /> Mr. Drilling stated that he didn't feel that a business would locate in this area because <br /> there is no traffic on 20 Avenue. <br /> Mr. Mike Carter, 6913 Sumac Court, stated that he disagreed on the traffic issue because <br /> people use the County Road J ramp to come into Centerville rather than use the County <br /> Road 14 exit. He felt that a strip mall would succeed in this area. <br /> Mr. Blaine Hopp, 1949 Center Road, stated his concern is that if apartment buildings are <br /> built on this property what is to stop someone from building apartments across the street. <br /> He also asked if there would be fences and trees for privacy. <br /> Mr. Drilling stated that that berms, trees, and fencing would be a part of this proposal. <br /> Mr. Mark Olson, 1934 Center Street, asked how close does the County allow you to build <br /> to the road (20 Avenue). <br /> Mr. Drilling stated the County requires an 80 -foot setback for the building. <br /> Mr. Joseph Steele, 6926 Sumac Court, expressed his concerns on rental apartments, the <br /> lack of maintenance, trouble that comes with some of the apartment dwellings and he has <br /> had bad experiences with apartments. He also stated that he felt people in the apartments <br /> would complain about snowmobiles in the area. He also stated that having Terminal <br /> Trucking has not lowered the value of his home, but that apartments probably would. <br /> Mr. Krech stated that he felt property values would maintain versus a blacktopping <br /> company or construction company. <br /> Mr. Drillings stated that some low- income apartments are like that, but that this proposal <br /> would be on the order of what is on Highway 96. <br /> Mr. Steele stated that may be the case, but there are very few homes around that complex. <br /> Mr. Drilling asked the audience if they would prefer owner - occupied rather than rental in <br /> this area. The audience responded that they would. <br /> Commission member Hanson reviewed the proposal that was submitted for north of Main <br /> Street to rezone from commercial to town home. He stated that the concern was the <br /> limited commercial property and if commercial were all turned to residential soon all <br /> commercial would be gone and commercial property is a limited resource to the City. <br /> 4 <br />