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Benefit to the Community: The review of the benefit to the community shall include, but <br /> is not limited to: <br /> • aesthetic characteristics and use of green space; <br /> • impact on area streets and traffic pattern' <br /> • generation of business traffic and opportunities; and <br /> • consistency with current and planned land use patterns. <br /> • conformance with the Design Team's concept for a historically designed building, <br /> using brick and glass( uh[•Markti <br /> Commitment to Cooperate with City of Centerville: The review of the commitment to <br /> cooperate with the City of Centerville shall include, but is not limited to: <br /> • Zoning, conditional use permits, or other permit requests; <br /> • a narrative description of the proposed purchaser's commitment to work with the <br /> City of Centerville and the Centerville Planning Commission in the <br /> development/use of the site and to meet city standards. <br /> Time Table for Closing and Completion of the Project: The review of the time table for <br /> closing and completion of the project shall include, but is not limited to: <br /> • the projected closing date, and <br /> • the plan for the demise of the building in accordance with the requirements set <br /> forth above and a plan for the development/use of the site. <br /> • If the site will not be developed immediately following the demise of the buildings, <br /> the plan must include a description of how the site will be maintained in the interim <br /> between the demise of tl1buildings and development of the site. <br /> • Higher consideration may be given for proposals that include a time table for a <br /> reasonably prompt completion oftlf roject. <br /> 3. The Committee shall give equal and highest weighting to factors considered under the <br /> Financial Plan and the Benefit to the Community. <br /> IV. Special Assessments and Public Improvements <br /> The successful purchaser shall be responsible for payment of all special assessments and public <br /> improvements levied against the property. <br /> V. Development Agreement <br /> The successful purchaser shall enter into an agreement with the city of Centerville for "purchase <br /> and development of the Public Works Property which is consistent with the terms of this request <br /> for proposal and the successful proposal. <br /> 3 <br />