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t CT ✓ one 1880 Main Street • Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> Established 1857 (651) 929 -3232 • Fax (651) 929 -8629 <br /> CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br /> COUNTY OF ANOKA <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> PROPOSED ORDINANCE #27 <br /> AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING COMMUNITY SERVICE <br /> OFFICERS /CRIME PREVENTION OFFICERS WITH THE POWER TO <br /> ISSUE CITATIONS. <br /> The City Council of the City of Centerville ordains: <br /> 27.01 Definition of a Community Service Officer(CSO) /Crime Prevention Officer(CPO). <br /> A Community Service Officer (CSO) /Crime Prevention Officer (CPO) is an non -sworn uniformed <br /> officer that is required to work under varying conditions with different members of the Police <br /> Department and the communities. <br /> 27.02 Powers of Community Service Officers. <br /> Not withstanding anything the contrary contained in this Section, individuals employed as <br /> community service officers by the Tri - City Police Department or other entity which provides law <br /> enforcement services to the City are hereby authorized to issue citations in lieu of arrest or <br /> continued detention to persons who violate any provision o f the following sections of this Code <br /> or state statutes: <br /> City Ordinance: # 1 Garbage/Sanitation <br /> City Ordinance: # 3 Curfew Ordinance <br /> City Ordinance: # 6 Nuisances <br /> City Ordinance: #24 Animal Confinement, Licensing and Care Related to Animal Control <br /> City Ordinance: #32 Loitering <br />