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2000-01-26 Packet
City Council
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2000-01-26 Packet
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Minutes of the Meeting of June 24, 1999 Page 2 <br /> OPEN FORUM FOR CITIZEN INPUT (5 minutes per item, 15- minute time limit). <br /> None. <br /> Municipal Facilities Update and Receive Public Comments <br /> (Al 7.1) <br /> The City Manager stated he would like to make comments on the municipal facilities update and to receive <br /> public comment. He explained that it had been discovered that additional research would be beneficial to <br /> the Council's decision making so a one -month delay has been approved. He identified the three sites under <br /> consideration. <br /> The audience was asked for comment. <br /> Peter Kulzcyk resident, stated his concern regarding the proposal to construct a new City Hall and Police <br /> facility. He stated he believed his proposal would save the City of Blaine and its residents several million <br /> dollars. He reviewed his background as a former building official and understanding of the need for new <br /> facilities, both the City Hall and Police facility. Mr. Kulzcyk stated he reviewed the architecture's proposal <br /> and asked what the proposed cost per square foot would be. He suggested the cost, minus the land cost <br /> and garages, was projected at $157 per square foot but the building valuation data published by the State of <br /> Minnesota identified between $54 and $85 per square foot. <br /> Mr. Kulzcyk reviewed his efforts to contact area contractors for their per square foot estimate and was <br /> informed they use between $60 and $65 per square foot. He stated his belief the architect's estimate was <br /> double that rate due to curved out side walls and resulting additional costs for labor and materials. He <br /> stated the projected cost could be reduced by having the plans reviewed by an expert who does not benefit <br /> from a raised construction cost. He noted there is a 7% architect fee of the project and a problem arises <br /> when construction bid documents are written that leave open opportunity to use the contingency fund of $1 <br /> million. He urged the Council to build a quality project for this "blue collar" town. <br /> The City Manager stated that Mr. Kulzcyk had mentioned several opportunities that the City had already <br /> considered. He clarified that no design has occurred and only spaces had been identified to determine the <br /> relative costs. He explained that secure Police facilities result in higher costs than general commercial <br /> spaces, and they were using between $107 and $117 per square foot for the facilities. The City Clerk stated <br /> those numbers were preliminary and significant contingencies were anticipated to be reduced substantially <br /> which will result in a decrease of the actual construction numbers. <br /> There were no other comments. <br /> ADOPTION OF AGENDA <br /> Councilmember Swanson requested that Item 11.13 be considered first. <br /> Mayor Ryan requested that Item 11.18 be considered following Item 11.13 since the applicant has been in <br /> attendance at two previous meetings. <br /> Councilmember Clark requested Item 11.14 be considered following Item 11.9 since those three items were <br /> all in the same neighborhood. <br /> Action 99 -314 (Al 8) • <br />
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