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2000-01-26 Packet
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2000-01-26 Packet
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Minutes of the Meeting of June 24, 1999 Page 10 <br /> Ms. Bergman stated that in other communities, four to five foot high walls have been erected along high <br /> traffic corridors to protect residential neighborhoods. She stated that she did not feel that asking for the <br /> closing of 87th and 89th Avenue was doing more than that; protecting the neighborhood and its children. <br /> Ms. Bergman stated she has witnessed heavy traffic loads, speeding traffic, ignoring of stop signs, detouring <br /> traffic through this residential neighborhood, and children playing in the streets or coming into the street to <br /> retrieve a ball. She suggested the speed estimates were under rated since drivers most often slow their <br /> vehicle when they see a speed trailer. <br /> Ms. Bergman stated the Initiative was going to draft a proposal to the Council and then it was teamed that <br /> some neighbors were not aware of their initiative and had been working with City staff to address their <br /> concerns. She advised that at a meeting held one resident of a dead end road adamantly objected to a <br /> closure and another from outside of the area objected to the closure because he used it as a cut -thru route. <br /> Ms. Bergman stated that as a result of that meeting and indication there was no understanding or respect of <br /> property along Davenport Avenue by drivers through the neighborhood, she walked out of the meeting and <br /> has not participated further. She stated she still supported closing 89th Avenue to eliminate cut -thru traffic. <br /> She suggested the only option to protect the neighborhood children was to close 89th Avenue and she felt <br /> that not closing 87th Avenue should still impact their safety. Ms. Bergman stated she understands those <br /> living on 89th Avenue may not be in support, but she believed it was the only option. She pleaded with <br /> residents to think of the entire neighborhood as opposed to their own single interest. <br /> Debbie Lovett, 1544 87th Avenue, reviewed a route she walked through the neighborhood to circulate a <br /> petition. She reported that 82 residents were against the closure of 89th Avenue and 10 were in support of <br /> the closure. She stated that in presenting the petition to close 89th Avenue, she asked one question: if you <br /> were southbound on Highway 65 wouldn't you turn on 85th Avenue or would you take 89th Avenue and use <br /> the frontage road to come home. The majority said the frontage road because of the hassle of 85th Avenue. <br /> She stated that there were 50 children and four more expected in this neighborhood. She stated there was <br /> a park across the street with a ball field and putting traffic on 87th Avenue may cause more safety concems. <br /> She suggested posting a counter to determine how many use 87th Avenue off the frontage road for one <br /> week, place the temporary barrier and do another one week count to determine how the traffic on 87th <br /> Avenue will be increased. <br /> Becky Butler, 8755 Baltimore Street, stated she was a 15 -year resident and when the petition was <br /> presented to her, it was obvious Ms. Lovett was against the closure. Ms. Butler stated she had already <br /> signed a petition in support of the closure to increase safety. She stated she plans to live in this <br /> neighborhood for many more years and does not want to cause any more problems but would support a <br /> temporary closure. She advised there was a problem with speeding traffic and littering and she feels <br /> strongly about this issue. <br /> Amy Tumock, 8809 Davenport Street, stated she was a 7 -year resident with 5 children and had noticed an <br /> increase in traffic which she believed was a result of cut -thru traffic to avoid the signal light, not <br /> neighborhood traffic. She stated she was not asked to sign the petition but would have signed in support of <br /> temporary closure to see what happens with the traffic. She stated if it was made more difficult to cut thru, <br /> drivers would realize it does not save time. <br /> Jennifer Nelson, 8817 Central Avenue, stated she has 13 brothers and sisters who like to run to the street. <br /> She stated they do not need any more traffic due to the closure. She stated that she does not want to see <br /> any of the neighborhood children hurt and she believed a closure would make the traffic worse. She stated <br /> there were a lot of children in this neighborhood and she does not support the closure. <br />
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