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Jim March <br /> From: Tina Vermeulen] <br /> Sent: Friday, March 03, 200010:17 AM <br /> o: jmarch© <br /> subject: Parking on Peltier Lake Drive <br /> This is in response to the letter we received from the City dated February 29, 2000. <br /> We live at 1645 Peltier Lake Drive. We would oppose any parking restriction on any part of Peltier Lake Drive. Yes, we <br /> agree that it is a narrow roadway but sometimes it is necessary to park a vehicle on the street. Especially in the summer, <br /> when lakeowners have family reunions, family get togethers, etc. where is everyone supposed to park? I personally think <br /> that the area mentioned as an area of concern, along the pond on the south side of Peltier Lake Drive is not one. A <br /> bigger concem is parking on the hill down toward Michlitsch's. That is very hazardous as going up or down either side of <br /> the hill, when a car is parked on the roadway, you cannot see any oncoming traffic and in the summer, kids on bikes, <br /> walkers, etc. Down by the pond you can at least see what is in the way. 1 feel that you cannot restrict parking on just one <br /> part of a roadway. This street is an older street in Centerville and is not as wide as a new one. The parking has been <br /> this way for 20+ plus years and we don't see the need for any restrictions. <br /> If you have any questions, please e-mail or call me at 612/336 -9154. <br /> Thanks. <br /> 1 <br />