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MEMO <br /> DATE : February 17, 2000 <br /> TO : Honorable Mayor and Council <br /> FROM : Jim March <br /> RE : Select Cable Operator <br /> Patricia Scott has indicated that due to a relocation, she is no longer going to be able to <br /> continue broadcasting the cable meetings for the City. Patricia is willing to continue <br /> taping the meetings until we have someone trained in to operate the equipment. Included <br /> in your packet is a letter that was received from a resident that is interested in serving as <br /> the cable operator for the City Council meetings. <br /> At the time of this annotation, I have spoke to three other individuals that have expressed <br /> desire for this position. I had indicated that we would need letters of interest as soon as <br /> possible. If we receive any other letters of interest, these will be brought to the meeting. <br />