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+6129498390 CITY EDEN PRAIRIE 664 P05 AUG 22 '94 13:06 <br /> 1988: _ Edina and Eden Prairie contracted for a full -time Adaptive Recreation Specialist <br /> through Richfield to supervise, hire, and develop programs in both communities. Beth <br /> Timm was hired for this position and she developed programs such as Adaptive <br /> Swimming Lessons in both Eden Prairie and Edina, E -Z Sports (now called Sports, Fun, <br /> and Fitness), the Walking Club, Fun Fitness (now called Jump, Run, and Fun), and an <br /> Art Program. <br /> * *The Joint Powers Agreement was signed with the four cities of Bloomington, <br /> Richfield, Eden Prairie, and Edina. This agreement states that the four Recreation <br /> Departments work cooperatively in sharing facilities, program development, and <br /> coordinating staff. It also states that residents in any one of the four communities may <br /> access programs in all four cities, if desired. <br /> * *Edina and Eden Prairie agreed to split a full -time position (20 hours per week in <br /> each city), thus terminating the contract with Richfield. Beth Timm continued working with <br /> Richfield while Laura Hinton Lancrete took on this new position. <br /> "Adaptive Recreation/Learning Exchange (AR/LE) Advisory Committee was <br /> developed for Bloomington, Richfield, Edina and Eden Prairie Parks, Recreation and <br /> Community Education Departments. This advisory committee, composed of parents, <br /> consumers, professionals, and agencies, provided guidance for the development of <br /> recreation and education programs for individuals with disabilities in the four cities. <br /> 1989: Mo Fahnstock was hired to replace Deb Backstrom in Bloomington. <br /> "Kristen Kunley was hired as the Adaptive Recreation Assistant in Bloomington. <br /> "The South Hennepin Human Service Council, along with South Suburban <br /> Adaptive Recreation (SSAR), co- sponsored the writing of a grant to obtain money for a <br /> full -time staff person to provide recreation and education programs at Charaka. The grant <br /> was received and South Hennepin Human Service Council served as the funding <br /> administers for five years. <br /> 1990: Edina and Eden Prairie recognized the need for full -time positions in each city. <br /> "Tria Vikesiand was hired as an Adaptive Recreation Assistant in Bloomington. <br /> 1991: Edina and Eden Prairie each hired a full -time Adaptive Recreation Specialists <br /> whose position is responsible for Adaptive Recreation and other areas, as assigned. <br /> Laura. Hinton Lancrete accepted the position with Edina. Sandy Wertz took on Adaptive <br /> Recreation programs in addition to her Senior Services duties. Parents in Eden Prairie <br />