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The 2001 Budget was discussed. The committee needed more information NOT ApptAlgosb <br /> for the <br /> November meeting. <br /> Other New Business: <br /> Mr. Montain questioned when the Citizen and Business Persons of the Year Certificates <br /> were given out. This year, they were handed out at the Fete de Lacs. The committee was <br /> unsure of the policy in the past, and requested more information at the next meeting so <br /> they can recommend when they would like to see the awards presented. <br /> The committee questioned when the to vote for chairperson would take place and also <br /> requested copies of the by -laws in the next packet. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Motion by Ms. Dorn, seconded by Mr. Montain to adjourn the October 17, 2000, <br /> EDC Meeting. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfit ly submitted: <br /> Kris Sweeney <br /> City Staff <br /> li <br />