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Council Member Nelson asked Mr. Brainard if he would be comfortable with a kennel <br /> in the backyard that met City specifications. Mr. Brainard noted he would be <br /> comfortable with this. <br /> Mayor Wilharber asked why the fencing has not been completed. Ms. Salazar stated <br /> this was due to financing and the fact contractors have not returned their telephone <br /> calls for estimates. <br /> Molly Nelson, 1864 Revoir Street, noted the child that got bit came to her house <br /> following the incident. She indicated the Salazar's have taken excellent care of the <br /> animals since the incident. She explained she felt the six -foot fence would be <br /> adequate for the protection of the children in the neighborhood. <br /> Mayor Wilharber asked when the fence would be completed. Mr. Salazar stated he is <br /> hoping to have this completed by the end of the month along with a sprinkler system <br /> and sod. <br /> Officer Parks indicated if the dogs are diggers, they might dig their way under the <br /> fence. He indicated he does not want the neighborhood to have a false sense of <br /> security if a fence is put up. Officer Parks stated the obedience training might assist in <br /> dealing with the dogs in the home but not while outside of the home. <br /> Motion by Council Member Nelson, seconded by Council Member Sweeney to <br /> close the public hearing at 6:50 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> IV. APPEARANCES /AWARDS <br /> 2001 Fete des Lacs Celebration — Ray DeVine <br /> Ray DeVine reviewed that a telephone poll was conducted and found that the carnival <br /> was important for the year 2001 Fete des Lacs Celebration. He stated the committee <br /> members felt the carnival was a huge success and noted that if the canival's continued <br /> appearance was council's intention, arrangements needed to be made as soon as <br /> possible. Mr. DeVine reported that the current Fete des Lacs Celebration dates <br /> conflict with neighboring celebrations and carnival promoters schedules and wanted to <br /> ascertain if Council would consider modifying the dates of the Celebration. <br /> Mr. DeVine stated the committee formed for the year 2000 Celebration was set for one <br /> year informally. He indicated the structure would be more formal for the year 2001 <br /> Celebration. Mr. DeVine invited all residents interested in attending the next <br /> committee meeting on August 17, 2000, to wrap up the year 2000 ties and begin <br /> working on the Celebration plans for 2001. <br /> Mayor Wilharber questioned the weekend the celebration would be proposed to move <br /> to. Mr. DeVine indicated he was uncertain of the dates, and stated it would be <br /> determined greatly by the carnival dates available. <br /> Council Member Nelson questioned why a decision was needed so soon for next year. <br /> Mr. DeVine noted the carnival operators are booked for next year already and stated if <br /> 4 <br />