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• Council Member Sweeney stated the Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> members took a road trip to St. Cloud to observe their BMX track. He <br /> indicated the Council would be seeing a recommendation in the near future. <br /> • Council Member Broussard Vickers noted the Planning Commission discussed <br /> Ordinance #4 and came to the consensus of thirty -five (35) feet and two <br /> recreational vehicles per residential lot. She indicated there were no additional <br /> significant changes to the Ordinance at that time and should be back to the <br /> Council for action at their next meeting. <br /> XII. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br /> Mr. March indicated he would have a 2001 proposed budget at the next meeting and <br /> would like to have two workshop meetings at the end of August to review the budget <br /> in further detail. He noted long- range, capital items would need to be discussed as <br /> well. <br /> Mr. March noted the livable communities grants met last week and noted the City of <br /> Centerville's grant was moved forward for planning grants. He indicated this would <br /> give the City a positive placement for funding in the year 2001. <br /> Mr. March indicated the Trio Inn had an alleged liquor sale to a minor. Mr. Hoeft <br /> concurred that there was a case against an employee of the Trio Inn. He explained the <br /> Police Department handled this case properly but that the individual was found not <br /> guilty. He noted the judge stated the jury did not want to make a difficult decision. <br /> Mr. Hoeft stated the Council could make a civil case against the Trio Inn at this time if <br /> they felt it was necessary. He noted the BCA could be brought into this to have a <br /> sample tested to receive a determination that would be backed in a court of law. Mr. <br /> Hoeft indicated the employee at the Trio Inn would now be carding individuals after <br /> the scrutiny this employee endured. Mr. Hoeft noted all future violations would be <br /> handled and tested by the BCA to ensure foolproof cases. <br /> Mr. March noted the owner of the Trio Inn stated they are not in the market of selling <br /> to minors. He indicated the Council could pursue this issue further and asked for <br /> comments from the Council. <br /> Council Member Sweeney indicated he would not like to pursue this issue further. <br /> Council Member Travis concurred. <br /> Council Member Nelson stated she felt the youth are the responsibility of the <br /> community. She asked that a letter be drafted to the Trio Inn that this Council has no <br /> tolerance for this issue. <br /> Mayor Wilharber noted he felt the bar owners were very concerned about not serving <br /> to minors. He indicated the owner did come in to talk with the City Administrator and <br /> the Chief of Police. Mayor Wilharber indicated this case has grabbed their attention <br /> and noted there is no question of the law at this time. <br /> 15 <br />