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facilitator and would serve without opinion, to keep the revitalization moving. <br /> Ms. Capra stated Mr. Bob Thein would like to see Centerville develop a genealogy research <br /> center in Centerville. Mr. Thein is willing to give the City historical information he has collected <br /> over many years. Ms. Capra will be taking this item to Council to ask for their guidance and <br /> feeling related to this item. <br /> Star City Goals and Objectives <br /> The committee will review the Star City Goals following the Business Appreciation Dinner at <br /> the May EDC meeting. <br /> Zoning Ordinance Update <br /> The EDC is requesting a copy of the most recent Ordinance #4 draft, along with an outline of the <br /> changes brought forward thus far. The Economic Development Committee is interested in the <br /> changes to the Ordinance that affect area business. <br /> Chairperson Rehbine commented on the recent variance approval for the front porch of the old <br /> LaMotte Store. Mr. Rehbine wanted to point out that by approving this variance, we may run <br /> into difficulties implementing a sidewalk or lighting based on the remaining four feet. The <br /> variance also sets a "standard" for the other businesses in the downtown area, and questioned if <br /> the variance falls into the Design Team Vision. Mr. Rehbine's solution would be to build the <br /> steps protruding into the building, leaving a clear space in front of the building. The committee <br /> stressed that due to concerns of this nature, it is important to clarify in the Zoning Ordinance, 0 -5 <br /> foot set backs, with an eight foot easement from the curb. Council Member Travis stated there <br /> was a formal Public Hearing on the variance, and added it was met without any opposition. <br /> Business Appreciation Dinner <br /> Mr. Rehbine will give a brief presentation on the Lino Lakes Chamber of Commerce as well as <br /> on the role of EDC prior to the Mayor's presentation. Mayor Wilharber will present Lloyd <br /> Drilling with the 1999 Business of the Year Award along with recognizing the Citizen of the <br /> Year. Ms. Scheller will call the EDC members who will be bringing in items for the dinner one <br /> week prior to remind them of their responsibilities. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Staff Liaison Vacancy <br /> The EDC requests the appointment of a replacement for Ms. Fairbrother. The committee feels <br /> the liaison is extremely important to the vitality of the committee. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />