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upon Met. Council's approval, to Council for their consideration. All in favor. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Member Brainard, seconded by Member LaMotte to recommend approval of <br /> the Variance Request as presented by DCS Properties, LLC. for the property located at <br /> 1695 Main Street and forward same to Council for their consideration. Members DeVine <br /> and Sheppard abstained, Motion carried. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> ORDINANCE #4 <br /> Lengthy discussion ensued regarding several areas of the proposed Ordinance #4 (i.e., <br /> and to be stored in driveways, side or rear yards). <br /> Vehicles d amounts y, . y ) <br /> DISCUSSION ITEM(S) <br /> Mr. March stated that the City had recently received a video and corresponding <br /> documentation regarding Land Use decisions from the League of Minnesota Cities <br /> Insurance Trust. Mr. March recommended the Commission's viewing of the video and <br /> review of the supplemental documentation provided. The Commission discussed the <br /> video and found it to be informative. <br /> The Commission discussed re- scheduling the July's meeting date to due the observance <br /> of the Independence Day holiday, which the regularly scheduled meeting would have <br /> fallen on. The Committee chose July 11, 2000 as their meeting date. <br /> CONSIDERATION OF IVIHN UT ES <br /> Motion by Member Sheppard, seconded by Member Kilian to approve the March 7, 2000 <br /> meeting minutes as presented. Member Brainard Abstained. Motion Carried. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Motion by Member Brainard, seconded by Member LaMotte to adjourn the meeting. All <br /> in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Transcribed by Teresa Bender, City Staff <br /> Page 4 of 4 <br />