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Centerville Communicator <br />~Striving to Keep Residents Informed~ <br />YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS <br /> <br />WINTER 2009- <br />Mary Capra—Mayor—(651) <br />Ben Fehrenbacher—(651) <br />2010 <br />Jeff Paar—(651) <br />October, November& <br />Linda Broussard-Vickers—(651) <br />December <br />VOLUME IV <br />D. Love —(651) <br />CITY HALL HOURS <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />1880 MAIN STREET <br />City Hall hours are Monday—Friday, 7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. <br />CENTERVILLE, MN 55038 <br />If you are unable to meet these hours, please contact us and we will do our best to <br />PHONE: 651-429-3232, FAX: 651-429-8629 <br />accommodate your schedule. <br />WWW.CENTERVILLEMN.COM <br />ROAD CONSTRUCTION UPDATES <br />MAIN STREET/CSAH 14 ROAD & INTERSTATE 35E CONSTRUCTION <br />The proposed interchange at CSAH14 (Main Street) and Interstate 35E (I-35E) has been planned for a number of years. The county, in partnership with the <br />City of Lino Lakes, have worked hard to replace the existing interchange with one that better accommodates existing and planned land uses in the project area <br />and surrounding communities. If you have any questions regarding this upcoming project, please visit: <br />or call the Highway Department at 763-862-4200. <br />SNOW PLOWING/GARBAGE/RECYCLING/SIDEWALK SHOVELING <br />WINTER IS UPON US... <br />It is the responsibility of the property owner to clear abutting sidewalks of ice and snow within 24 hours of the event. Failure to do this work within <br />the required time may result in the City doing the work and charging the costs to the property. Thank you for your cooperation. <br /> <br />Street Obstructions. Please position your garbage/recycling containers off of the street, place at the end of your driveway or above curb-line. <br />Irrigation system components or basketball hoops in the right-of-way are subject to damage and the City will not replace these items if dam- <br />aged. The City will however be replacing sod in the Spring. Please do not deposit snow from your driveway or sidewalk back onto the roadways. <br />POLICE & FIRE UPDATES <br />HOUSE CHECK PROGRAMHOUSE NUMBERS & FIREHYDRANTS <br /> <br />Winter is here, and many of us will take vacation or otherwise be In order to provide efficient services to you and your neighbors, both <br />away from our homes for extended periods of time. Did you know the the Centennial Lakes Police Department and the Centennial Fire <br />Centennial Lakes Police Department offers a House Check Program District, rely on house numbers being easily visible from the street, <br />to help keep your home safe and secure while you are gone? easily found and accessible fire hydrants. Finding your or your <br />Whether your home will be empty for a day, a month, or several neighbor’s home and accessing visible hydrants in emergency situa- <br />months, officers will make periodic checks at various times of day to ensure your tions is critical and can mean the difference between a little or a lot of property loss, <br />residence is secure. Of course, it is always a good idea to let your neighbors know precious time lost in administering emergency care or police protection. These <br />you will be gone and have them report any suspicious or unusual activity during issues are also critical for businesses. <br />your absence as well. <br />INSTALL, INSPECT AND PROTECT <br /> <br />SMOKE ALARMS <br />If you are interested in participating in this program please contact the Centennial <br />?? <br />Lakes Police Department at 763-784-2501 during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. <br />Place properly installed and maintained smoke alarms in hallways leading to <br />to 4:30 p.m.). You will be asked various questions including your departure and <br />sleeping rooms and in all sleeping rooms on each level of your home. <br />return dates, whether lights will be left on and if so, if they will be set to go on and off <br />?? <br />Get smoke alarms that are interconnected (connected to your buildings electri- <br />at set times of day, vehicles to be left in the driveway and anticipated visitor, if any, <br />cal system); if one sounds, they all sound. <br />etc. <br />?? <br />Both hardwired and battery-operated alarms should be replaced every ten <br />CAR SEAT CLINIC SCHEDULED <br />years. See the manufactures instructions. <br />Nothing is more important than the safety and welfare of your children. <br />?? <br />Test smoke alarms monthly and change batteries when you change clocks— <br />To help prevent injury and ensure safe travel in automobiles by children, <br />every six months. <br />the Centennial Lakes Police Department is proud to announce its first <br />?? <br />Consider buying long-life (lithium) batteries for your smoke alarms, which may <br />ever car seat clinic. The clinic is designed to educate parents and provide proper <br />last up to ten years with no battery change. <br />installation of your child’s car seat. Parents will be encouraged to participate in the <br />?? <br />Install smoke alarms away from air vents. <br />installation process and learn how to reduce accidental injury to their child. <br />?? <br />Install smoke alarms on the ceiling or wall, at least 4 inches from the wall edge <br /> <br />The clinic will be held on February 9, 2010 at Centennial Fire Station #1 located at <br />and no lower than 12 inches from the ceiling. <br />the corner of Lake Drive and Firebarn Road in Circle Pines. The hours of the clinic <br />?? <br />If a smoke alarm sounds during normal cooking, open the door or window, fan <br />are from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. APPIONTMENTS are REQUIRED and space is <br />the area with a towel to get the air moving. <br />limited. Appointments are reserved for residents of Anoka County only. To schedule <br />?? <br />DO NOT DISABLE THE SMOKE ALARM OR TAKE OUT ITS BATTERIES! <br />an appointment please contact Community Service Officer Kirchner at 763-235- <br />2593. <br />ESCAPE PLANNING <br />Prepare and practice an escape route with everyone in the home, including children; know two ways to exit every room; close all bedroom doors when sleeping at night; <br />crawl low, under smoke; feel closed doors, if hot-use another exit; if you are on the second or third floor, consider buying a fire ladder for adult use; identify one place to <br />meet household members outside; call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after you escape and NEVER go back inside a burning home or garage. <br />
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